While thick eyebrows have become a real beauty obsession, people with naturally full eyebrows are more likely to be narcissistic and selfish.
Since Cara Delevingne's rise to the catwalk, her thick eyebrows have charmed beautystas on the planet until they have become a real beauty obsession. Gone are the fine eyebrows of the 1990s, all women now dream of a thick, full and well-defined line. To achieve this goal, all means are good from eyebrow pencil to different tinted gels through the technique of microblading.
Could a particularly surprising recent study be a game-changer? Indeed, according to an award-winning study, people with thick eyebrows are not only more likely to act egocentric, but are also more likely to be narcissists.
Published in the Journal of Personality and awarded the Ig Nobel Prize this month, the survey found that thick, full eyebrows are a sign that the person has particular "high self-esteem, interpersonal dominance, and a tendency to overestimate one's abilities."
The research was conducted by Miranda Giacomin and Nicholas Rule who took portraits "neutral expression"of 39 University of Toronto students. Of these, 32 were white and 26 were female. All took a standardized narcissistic personality test to determine how well they agreed with statements such as"If I ruled the world it would be a better place " or "I find it easy to manipulate people."
Following these responses, 28 volunteers were then asked to look at the portraits and rate them on a scale of 1 (not narcissistic at all) to 8 (extremely narcissistic). The volunteers also assessed facial features that could be isolated and identified as a sign of narcissism. What the most narcissistic people had in common were thick eyebrows! "We basically did a long series of experiments where we reduced facial features more and more until we isolated the eyebrows as the main sign of people's narcissism," Miranda Giacomin explained to Insider.
The researchers also ranked each subject's eyebrows in terms of density, shape, and distinctiveness. Those whose eyebrows were the most obvious facial feature were more likely to be narcissists. Miranda Giacomin pointed out, however, that it is difficult to determine whether beauty products that alter the shape and thickness of the eyebrows played a role in the way a person's eyebrows were viewed …