Personality test: which gem is right for you?

Which gem gives you strength? Take the test!

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Gemstones not only look pretty, they are also said to have healing powers. You can find out which stone suits you best here.

Gemstones and crystals have fascinated us for millennia and are currently enjoying great popularity, as the focus in many areas is again more on mindfulness and self-care. There are over 500 different types of stones and none of them are the same as the other. With their bright colors and different shapes, they are not only great to look at, each stone also has individual powers that support us in overcoming everyday hurdles. Whether as an encouragement, good luck charm or energy donor, there is a suitable healing stone for everyone!

What exactly can gemstones do?

Life energy flows in every person, which is called Prana in yoga medicine. The centers of our energy circuits are the chakras, of which we have seven. Every now and then it happens that chakras are blocked and the energy cannot flow unhindered. This mainly happens in stressful situations or when we are under emotional and physical stress. Gemstones and crystals act as energy catalysts and can help to dissolve blockages. It is believed that they can also help improve physical and mental health.

How do I find the right gemstone for me?

There are different ways to find the right gemstone for you. Depending on whether you are more of a stomach person or a head person, we have put together some methods that have proven themselves for you.

1. Take our quiz

If you like personality tests and want to find out with a few clicks which gemstone is best for you, you can simply take our quiz.

2. Trust your feelings

Turn off your head and listen to your gut instinct. Your intuition will help you choose your healing stone. Perhaps you are visually attracted to a certain stone or the description of its special properties appeals to you. You like the stone, you like its color and shape and it feels good in your hand, then these are just as valid reasons for it as its properties. In esotericism, it is even assumed that the right stone will find its owner without any action.

3. Properties of the stones

Listen to yourself and ask yourself which areas of life you would like to devote more energy to or what you would like to change or improve. If you are more of an analytical type who does not like to rely on pure feeling, you can choose the right stone based on its effect.

4. Selection according to areas of life

If you find it too difficult to go through all the gemstones and their effects, you can concentrate on one or two specific areas first. As you do this, ask yourself where you could use support. There are stones that are dedicated to love and wisdom, which are supposed to bring happiness, offer protection or help others to pursue professional goals.

5. Selection by zodiac sign

Choosing by zodiac sign is a simple, yet very effective method. It also helps you to find the stone that reflects your soul. Different healing stones are assigned to each month of birth and the twelve signs of the zodiac. They strengthen the positive properties of your zodiac sign and have a balancing effect on alleged weaknesses.


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