Personality: This is what your favorite fruit says about you

This is what your favorite fruit says about you

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Do you have a certain favorite fruit that you could eat at any time of the day or year? Then find out here what your favorite type of fruit says about your personality.


Peeling an orange takes patience and willpower. If you have chosen the orange as your favorite fruit, then it is precisely these two properties that set you apart. You are thorough, meticulous and nothing can disturb you at work. Your reliability and trustworthiness are also positive. On the other hand, you avoid conflicts at all costs.


Sweet, sour, tart, earthy: apples come in numerous different flavors. In this sense, you enjoy your life to the fullest – and in every direction. You love extravagance and can be extremely impulsive. As a leader, you react confidently and quickly in every situation. You are not just a person who loves to travel and is incredibly charming, but whose enthusiasm is second to none.


If you cut off the green tuft of leaves from the pineapple, put it in the water and then plant it in soil, you will get a new and fresh pineapple. Like this fruit, it is possible for you to reinvent yourself again and again, to grow and to steer yourself out of negative situations. You manage to make quick decisions – and approach future tasks fearlessly. If you’re a pineapple lover, you might be easy to get along with.


Do you belong to the group of banana fans? Then you are most likely a real softie. However, that does not mean anything negative – on the contrary: You are a loving, sympathetic and friendly nature. Even if you lack confidence every now and then, you are a: e great partner: in. Despite all the rough edges, you are characterized by mental and physical beauty.


Papaya is an underrated fruit – just as you may find yourself underrated in your job and personal life. Even if others may not be able to see it, you are a person who thinks about everything and everyone. Despite difficult times, you are daring and get your tasks done. It is your humor and charm that people are only too happy to succumb to.

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Did you choose the cherry as your favorite fruit? Then you have a big heart and a fertile imagination. You don’t worry much about financial security, but nobody can keep up with you when it comes to creativity. Your circle of friends and your partner: in appreciate you for your sincerity and honesty. You are not a person who likes solitude – instead, you rely on sociability, preferably within your own four walls.


Like grapes, you love the community. You are polite and enjoy being around other people, but sometimes your temper gets too bad for you. And yet: you won’t stay angry for long. Whether nature, people or animals: you love beauty in all its forms. You are extremely enthusiastic and leave nothing to chance.


Mangoes have a sweet, juicy interior and a robust exterior – just like you. You are a person who is loving and calculating at the same time, and who is not influenced by anyone. Your hard shell surrounds a sweet core. Still, you shouldn’t mess with mango fans.


Peach enthusiasts are friendly and outspoken. Sometimes you tend to be too open-hearted, but that adds to your charm. You are independent and ambitious – and you know how to enjoy the finer things in life. Chances are you’re one of those people who travel the world, try skydiving, and visit famous museums. Or at least you are trying to be that person.


Last but not least: pears. Just like the unripe fruit strewn around the pear tree, you will struggle to complete your chores. You can be upset quickly: If you are not firmly convinced of your results, a tough wind of fate can throw the fruits of your labor to the ground. You like to get results quickly and you like to make new friends. Hopefully they will not be neglected in the end.
