PHOTO Novak Djokovic blocked in Australia: his wife Jelena sends a strong message on Instagram

Novak Djokovic must be feeling lonely. The world number 1 is stranded in Melbourne, in a hotel, despite the “medical exemption ” that he had received in order to participate in the Australian Open. The tennis player received a message of support from his wife.

This is the case that is shaking the world of tennis. While the first Grand Slam tournament of the year will be held on January 17 in Australia, the world number 1 is not expected to participate. If Novak Djokovic had received “a medical exemption“On behalf of the Australian Tennis Federation on January 4, the latter was finally ordered to leave the country. Rafael Nadal’s rival – who was a victim of Covid-19, is still stranded in a hotel near Melbourne Airport, reminiscent of the story of the film The terminal with Tom Hanks. The Serb, who did not wish to reveal the state of his vaccination pass, feels very lonely. Fortunately for him, the father of the family received some support. That of his wife Jelena, on his Instagram account this Friday, January 7, should make him happy.

“I take a deep breath to calm myself down and find gratitude”

It’s Christmas for us today“writes the young woman in order to caption a picture where she is with her lover. And to add: “Thank you to everyone around the world, for making your voice heard and for sending love to my husband. I take a deep breath to calm myself down and find the gratitude (and try to understand) right now for what is going on. The only law that we should respect across all borders of the world is Love and respect for every human being “.

Novak Djokovic and his wife receive many messages of support

Jelena and Novak Djokovic, married for seven years, have received a lot of support from the fans. “We are all behind Novak and think of you all. We wish you a happy Christmas, “” Well said. We are with you! ”,“ Thank you Jelena. We support you and your family. Novak is the strongest mentally of all and it will rise “,”I wish this nightmare would end soon. Much love for all your family, Jelena! “,” We are behind you and your husband “, “Things will get better“can we read among the comments.

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