Photo of great white shark with huge bite intrigues internet users

The photo of a great white shark with a huge bite has been buzzing for a few days.

Photographer, filmmaker and shark enthusiast Jalil Najafov took the shot during a trip to the Mexican coast in 2019 but only shared it last December on his Instagram account.

Since then, networks have been racing, intrigued by the imposing scar in an arc near the dorsal fin of the female shark.

“I was really surprised because I had never seen something like this in my life. The bite mark was so huge, ”the photographer tells CNN Travel. “I have worked with sharks for many years, I have experience. I know for sure when I see something rare. I’ve never seen such a huge shark scar, ”he adds.

As he explains on Instagram, since the publication of the snapshot, many Internet users have exposed their theories on the origin of this bite. To be clear, Jalil Najafov interviewed two friends, specialists, whose opinions he exposes on his account.

Another shark that caused the bite?

Dr Tristan Guttridge ruled out the possibility that it was a mating scar, due to its position but also because they are generally “more superficial”. “The shape reminds me of a probable bite from another shark.”

An opinion shared by another scientist, Michael Domeier. The latter sees it as an injury inflicted during a fight with another great white shark. “They do not tolerate their fellows”, he underlines in this sense.

He reassures: if the bite seems impressive, it should have healed since 2019 to the point of being almost no longer visible.

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