PHOTOS Marion Cotillard, Brad Pitt, Charlize Theron… the biggest metamorphoses of stars for a role

Netflix has announced the upcoming release of its new series, Griselda, in which actress Sofia Vergara appears transformed. The opportunity to come back to the biggest transformations of stars for a role.

In Hollywood, you have to suffer to be beautiful… but also to land a role ! In order to be as close as possible to the characters they are supposed to embody, some do not hesitate to carry out major physical metamorphoses. This is the case of Sofia Vergara, who swapped her Gloria Delgado-Pritchett costume in Modern Family against that of a drug baroness in Griselda, a new series announced by Netflix. This is an opportunity to return to the stars of the cinema who, like the companion of Joe Manganiello, have transformed themselves for a role.

Starting with Christian Bale, one of the specialists in the field. Throughout his career, Emmeline and Joseph’s dad voluntarily and phenomenally yo-yoed with his weight, going so far as to lose nearly 30 kilos to embody The Machinist in 2004. His latest achievement? gain more than 20 pounds to play Dick Cheney in Vice, released on December 25, 2018.

Weight variations and make-up

Other stars to have undergone weight changes for a role also include Matthew McConaughey, who had lost twenty kilos for Dallas Buyers Club, Anne Hattaway, who had lost eleven to play Fantine in Wretched, or even Renée Zellweger who, conversely, had gained twelve kilos to embody the irreplaceable Bridget Jones in the cinema. But it’s not just by playing on their corpulence that movie stars slip into someone else’s shoes. Some are also made up and made up, to the point of becoming unrecognizable.

This had been the case for Marion Cotillard to play Edith Piaf in The kid – which had earned him an Oscar in 2008 -, by Ralph Fiennes to play Voldemort in the saga Harry Potter, by Brad Pitt for the film The strange story of Benjamin Button, by Vincent Cassel for the saga Mesrine or even Charlize Theron in the film Monster, where she played the role of a prostitute turned murderer. Transformations among many others to find in our slideshow above!

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