Pink Moon: 3 zodiac signs he can bring clarity to

Pink Moon
3 zodiac signs that he can bring clarity to

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The full moon on April 6th in Libra helps us to let go and connect. Relationships can be strengthened, but also questioned. You can read here which zodiac sign the “Pink Moon” can bring clarity.

No matter how often it is in the sky, the full moon always has something magical and a very special aura. In April it is also called Easter Moon or “Pink Moon”. But if you are looking forward to a pink moon, you may be disappointed. Unfortunately, his name does not mean that he shines pink in the sky. Rather, its name comes from the pink flame flowers (phlox) that bloom in April. However, it does not lose its effect on us. When the moon shines down on us in all its majesty, this is the best time to reflect, let go, manifest and gain clarity. This time, the “Pink Moon” supports three zodiac signs in particular on their journey.


This week, Taurus is all about healing and manifestation. Instead of new projects, it is better to focus on what is and to take stock. The full moon on April 6 invites you to come back into your center and strengthen it. What else needs to be healed? Where are wounds that need to be treated? What and who can go? Where do you want to say no more and where do you want to compromise more? These are questions Taurus should be asking around April 6th. The next step is to face the uncomfortable and painful truths, accept them and accept them. This will release energies and bring clarity for the next steps.

Pink full moon


Are you wasting your time with the wrong people? Or is it just the right investment? What values ​​are important to you? do you live them too The full moon on April 6 puts these questions in the right light and Virgos can focus on them. Where are you and what is only the influence of others? Do you live your life or do you live it the way others want you to be? You can now be brave and venture out of your comfort zone – there are only limited guarantees anyway. Reason is good, but maybe it’s also preventing you from living your dreams? Then now is the time to let go, take a close look at your fears and open your soul to new things in order to gain clarity about your life path.


Libras are currently enjoying a pleasant abundance in relationships, they feel safe and secure. And yet, of course, they too are not immune to the fact that some connections may not turn out to be helpful or good. So now is an opportune moment to explore which relationships are allowed to stay and which are allowed to go. What needs are just surfacing and perhaps haven’t been seen for far too long. What are you letting go of the Libra full moon on April 6th? Now is the perfect moment to fully reconnect with yourself and explore where your journey is headed.


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