Pisces has several great intimate fears that he finds difficult to manage.

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Pisces is the last sign of the Zodiac. Like all the other astro signs, he has qualities, faults, but also intimate fears…

Pisces celebrates its anniversary season from February 20 to March 20. A month during which is honored. This astrological sign is the twelfth and last of the zodiac wheel. It is a water sign (like Cancer and Scorpio), which marks the end of winter and which announces the arrival of spring. During the month of March, the weather is mixed: sometimes the temperatures give a taste of spring, sometimes the rain and the cold remind us that winter is not over. Time is changeable, like Pisces, passing often from one mood to another without warning. If this can be restrictive, it is thanks to this ability to adapt that Pisces has developed his incredible intuition. It’s a very generous sign, very attentive to others and very empathetic (an empathy that can sometimes play tricks on him since it makes him feel everyone’s feelings).

Pisces is like all the other signs of the zodiac: he gets along more or less with the other signs, he has faults (notably his naivety), and qualities (we think of his kindness). He also has intimate fears that he must face, as explained by Shana Lyes, astrologer, in her book Pisces published by Editions First.

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The innermost fears of Pisces

“The fears of Pisces are, strangely, often related to water – in relation to the fear of not seeing the bottom of the water, the fear of swimming, the fear of drowning (…)”, explains Shana Lyes. For what ? Water is the element of Pisces. He feels perfectly at ease in contact with water, he can even recharge his batteries. But it can “le refer directly to deep fears”, warns the astrologer. In addition to their fears related to water, Pisces is terrified of abandonment and bereavement. He’s very attached to people emotionally, so when he feels abandoned or someone dies, he’s totally lost. His mourning often lasts a very long time and the Pisces always has a very nostalgic side which does not help him. Grief is a very deep pain, and even an emotional wound for this water sign.

To try to counter these fears, at least those related to water, Shana Lyes offers Pisces to become more familiar with their element. How ? By being more in contact with him: “a water aerobics class”, “a day at the spa”, “swimming lessons”... Time must be taken to carry out activities related to the element.

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