“Piss off the unvaccinated”: for Castex, Macron says “out loud what many are thinking”

“The President of the Republic can also sometimes say aloud what a lot of people think quietly”. Invited this Thursday to react to the statement of Emmanuel Macron who said the day before in an interview with the Parisian to want “piss off the unvaccinated” igniting the opposition, Jean Castex among other things considered that “if we are all citizens, no one will piss anyone off.”

“Let’s not play on words”, he then declared defending the words of Emmanuel Macron who also considered that a “irresponsible is not a citizen”. “The non-vaccinated obviously remain citizens. When you are citizens, you have rights and duties, that’s called civility and a sense of responsibility”, estimated the Prime Minister.

The objective of the vaccination pass is to “to put coercion on the unvaccinated rather than on those who behave civically (…) nWe are going to continue and we assume it “, he underlined. “the major subject is to be vaccinated because you are 20 times less likely to go to critical care”.

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