Planks: This is what happens in the body when you practice the plank every day

This is what happens when you practice a plank every day

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The plank is a very effective full-body exercise that primarily activates the core of the body. These are the health benefits of incorporating planks into your daily fitness routine.

It looks so easy, but it involves more muscle than we think: the plank. The forearm support, as the exercise is also called, activates not only the muscles in the stomach and lower back but also the shoulders, arms and legs – practically the entire body. You can count on these benefits if you write planking on your exercise plan every day.

2 women plank: This is what happens when you practice a plank every day

In the plank, many muscle groups are activated at the same time. It is important that the body is in a straight line.

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4 benefits of practicing the plank every day

1. Strong core

The plank is best known as a core exercise, i.e. an exercise for the abdominal muscles and lower back. However, it remains questionable whether the daily plank is the most effective way to get a six-pack. Because yes, the straight abdominal muscles are also trained, but the plank primarily activates the deep muscles. And it may not look as chic as a six-pack, but we need it to protect our internal organs, for example. A strong and healthy core is one of the most important benefits of regular planking.

2. Less lower back pain

Another advantage of the trained deep muscles: They stabilize the lumbar spine in the lower back. This area is often very sensitive and, in many people, is weakened by sitting for too long and lack of exercise. A strong core protects the lumbar spine from injury and builds strength there. Back pain no longer stands a chance!

3. Better posture

As already mentioned, the forearm support activates the shoulders, arms and back in addition to the abdominal muscles. If these areas of the body are trained and strong, it also helps us to stand and sit more upright in everyday life. Practicing the plank daily can help you improve your posture over the long term.

4. Active metabolism

Admittedly, there are fitness exercises that boost the metabolism more than the plank. These include above all dynamic movements such as mountain climbers, burpees or squats. But basically every form of physical activity has a positive effect on the metabolism. And finally, we also train muscles in the static forearm support, which in turn burns calories and thus gives the metabolism a boost. Of course, you can use this effect even more strongly if you practice a dynamic variant of the plank, in which your arms or legs become active.

  • For example, you could alternate the plank on your hands with your opposite one touch shoulder:
Forearm Plank Variation: This is what happens when you practice a plank daily

In this variation, you practice the plank dynamically.

© Antonio Diaz / Adobe Stock

  • Or you try the walking plank: To do this, first push yourself up from the forearm support with your left hand and stand it up, then you also support yourself on your right hand so that both arms are stretched out. Make sure your body stays in a straight line. Then you come back as controlled as possible, one after the other, back onto your forearms. Repeat this a few times:
Walking Plank Variation: This is what happens when you practice one plank daily

In the walking plank, you push yourself up from your forearms onto your hands and then come down again.

© Bojan / Adobe Stock

How long should you hold a plank?

If you’re just beginning to build fitness, it’s best to just hold the plank for as long as you can stay straight and in control. The more practiced you are, the longer you can hold the plank. It is most effective to stay in the support about three times for 60 seconds each. It’s best to increase yourself very slowly and in a controlled manner, at some point you’ll easily manage this workload!

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