Podcast. IPCC advice for breaking away from fossil fuels

Fossil fuels still represent 80% of the energy consumed in the world. They are also the main culprits of climate change. How can we reduce our dependence on oil, gas and coal? This central question is at the heart of the work carried out in the last part of the latest report of the IPCC, the UN group of experts for the climate, published in April 2022.

Nabil Wakim receives Céline Guivarch, one of the economists who coordinated this immense work of nearly 3,000 pages which offers hundreds of possible paths to decarbonize the economy. Where to start? What should be avoided at all costs? Which technologies can be used in priority?

An episode produced by Adèle Ponticelli, directed by Amandine Robillard who also composed the original music.

For further

  • To learn more about Céline Guivarch, his publications here and his account Twitter there
  • the summary for decision makers of the report, which Céline Guivarch talks about in the episode
  • A decryption of what the report says, by my colleagues Perrine Mouterde and Audrey Garric
  • Leads on the question of sobriety, by my colleague Perrine Mouterde

” Human warmth “ is a weekly podcast of reflection and debate on ways to face the climate challenge. Listen to a new episode for free every Tuesday, on Lemonde.fr, Apple Podcast, Acast Where Spotify. Find all the episodes here.

You can already react to the first broadcasts and the newsletter by writing directly to Nabil Wakim at the following address,[email protected].

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