Pokémon Go: Granivol Community Day (February 2022)

The next Community Day on Pokémon Go will take place this Saturday, February 12, 2022! The event will be dedicated to Granivol and if you are lucky, you will leave with one or more shiny.

Community Days are monthly events that feature at least one specific Pokémon. In addition to increasing the spawn rate, you can find exclusive Special Studies linked to the event, bonuses such as double XP and rare attacks to unlock.

After an eventful month of January with no less than two Community Days, Niantic has just announced that Granivolthe Dandelion Pokémon, will be the star Pokémon of the February Community Day !

Following trends from previous Community Day events, Floravol (the evolution of Cotovol) will be able to learn a attack exclusive during the event when you evolve it into Cotoflight. Here’s everything you need to know for Community Day February 2022.

Contents :

February Community Day Date and Time

This event will take place on Saturday, February 12, 2022 of 11 a.m. at 5 p.m. (local hour). You will therefore have 6 hours to enjoy all the rewards and bonuses of this very special day.

Exclusive February Community Day Attack

As soon as you evolve Floravol (evolution of Granivol) in Cotovol during the event or up to two hours after the end (i.e. until 7 p.m.), this one will learn an exclusive attack:

  • Cotoflight – Charged Attack: Acrobatics (110 damage in trainer fights | 100 damage in Arenas and Raids)

February Community Day Bonus

Several bonuses will be available during the Community Day dedicated to Granivol in February:

  • 30 Hyperballs will be to recover free during Community Day in the store;
  • Take a few shots to reveal a surprise;
  • For 0.99€, you will be able to access a Special Research available only thanks to the February Community Day: By the wind ! ;
  • For 1,280 PokéCoins, you can purchase a special Community Day Box to get 50 Hyper Balls, an Elite Instant Attack TM, two Super Incubators, and six Star Pieces;
  • Get 3 times more Stardust when capturing;
  • Incense and Lure Modules activated during the event will last three hours;
  • Get up to three free Raid Passes in Arenas during the event and up to two hours after.

How to prepare well for the Granivol Community Day


You will need maximum Poké Balls for the Community Day event.

If you’re planning on attending Community Day, here are our tips on how to best prepare and get the most out of the event:

  • Buy at least two Eincense (duration increased to 3h) to use throughout the day and keep all the Llures that you have.
  • Have in your inventory LOTS of Poke Balls to capture as many Pokémon as possible during the day
  • Make room in your pokemon box
  • Buy a ticket (if desired) to the store to unlock the Community Day Special Research

Will Granivol shiny be available?

Whoever says Community Day obviously says shiny hunt. Granivol is no exception to the rule and you can of course (with a small amount of luck) capture a chromatic version of Granivol! To do this, no secret, catch as many Granivol as possible or, if you don’t have the time or the resources in Pokéballs, try to check all the Granivol around you hoping to find a shiny. This one swaps its candy pink appearance for a very sparkling acid green, hard to miss!

All Community Day Pokémon in 2022

That’s all you need to know about the Community Day dedicated to Granivol. The Pokémon Plant and Fly awaits you on Saturday, February 12, 2022 on Pokémon Go.

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