Pokémon Go: How to Capture Metamorph, January 2022

In Pokémon Go, Metamorph is particularly difficult to find. After all, how do you catch a Pokémon that can take any shape? We will explain everything to you !

The most difficult creatures to capture in Pokémon GO aren’t always what you think they are. According to many trainers, there is a first-generation little monster that is much more of a puzzle to find than any Legendary Pokémon: Metamorph.

Indeed, you already know the peculiarity of this little pink chewing gum: it can take the appearance of other Pokémon. In most games in the franchise, this ability is only shown in combat. But in Pokémon Go, it is in nature that Metamorph will camouflage himself by imitating other creatures.

In this guide, we give you all of the different shapes Shapeshifter can take, and some tips on how to capture him.

The Pokémon Company

Don’t expect to come across a Metamorph in its true form in Pokémon Go!

How to find Metamorph on Pokémon Go?

Let’s put it like it is: there is no one-size-fits-all way to quickly and easily capture this charming little Pokemon. You will need a little luck anyway, but above all to arm yourself with patience.

Indeed, there is only one way to find a Metamorph in the wild: you have to know which Pokémon it can disguise itself as, then catch these creatures as soon as you come across one.

With each capture, you will then have a small chance to have a nice surprise. Instead of the usual “I got you!” Message, you will see “Oh?” Appear. You will then find that you have just obtained a Ditto!

Metamorph appearances in Pokémon Go – January 2022

Here is the current list of appearances that Metamorph can take on Pokémon GO:

  • Chamallot – Fire and Ground
  • Crabicoque – Insect and Rock
  • Fantominus – Poison and Specter
  • Gloupti – Poison
  • Skunk – Poison and Darkness
  • Remoraid – Water
  • Soporifik – Psych
  • Teddiursa – Normal
  • Trumpignon – Plant and Poison
shapeshifter Pokémon Go cheat guide

If you see an “Oh?” after capturing one of these Pokémon, it’s a good sign!

The only method to catch Ditto is to capture each Pokémon from the list above as soon as you come across one. To help you, we are going to share some tips with you to increase your chances of finding a Metamorph:

  • The use of Incense can be used to increase onset rates. During its activation, walk and catch all Pokémon from the list above. We recommend that youwait for a special event which increases Incense from 60 minutes to three hours for maximum effect.
  • Be sure that the Exploration Monitoring function: Nearby be activated in the game settings. It sends you a notification when a Pokémon that you do not have is near you. If one of the Pokémon on the list appears, head to its location on the map.
  • Once a day, start a Leurre in a PokéStop. Look for one of the Pokémon on the list and catch them all to increase your chances of getting Ditto.
  • Join a Pokémon Go group on platforms like Facebook or Discord. Players often share when a Metamorph has been spotted. Mutual aid is often the key to success.

Is Metamorph available in Eggs on Pokémon Go?

Unfortunately, the answer is clear: No ! The players cannot get Metamorph with an egg in Pokémon Go. The only way to find it is to catch one in disguise in the wild.

Does Shiny Metamorph exist on Pokémon Go?

metamoprh pokemon go catch

Already that Metamorph in purple is difficult to find, imagine when it is in blue in its Chromatic form…

This time, the answer is rather mixed because Metamoprh Shiny is available in Pokémon Go since the Pokémon Go Tour: Kanto event in February 2021. The problem is, to get it, you had to complete a Special Study that was only available during the Kanto Tour.

Ditto Shiny was once again available as a reward during the September Study Phase. The quests are now complete, however, its chromatic version can be encountered in the wild if the Pokémon in disguise is not.

Each month, Metamorph has the opportunity to change Pokémon form. He will undoubtedly remain one of the most difficult creatures to capture for a long time to come.

Featured Hours Program | Raid Calendar | Field Studies and Awards | Capture Metamorph | Defeat Giovanni | Beat Arlo | Beat Cliff | Beat Sierra | Defeat the Rocket Minions

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