Pokémon Go: two police officers fired for chasing Snorlax

Two officers from the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) were brought to heel after being caught playing Pokémon Go while on duty. They would indeed have ignored a call signaling a theft, to go and capture a Snorlax!

Since its spectacular launch in 2016, millions of players have found themselves all around the world hunting in Pokémon Go. The clever mix between a mobile game taking over the real world and the Game Freak license seems not to run out of steam and continue. to always attract so many trainers.

Two Los Angeles Police officers even got caught up in the game and were caught with their hand in the bag playing while on duty. The two have indeed just been fired by the LAPD after being reported ignoring an emergency call for a robbery in order to continue catching Pokémon instead.

Game Freak

In addition to a Snorlax, now a Togetic appears.

LAPD officers fired for playing Pokémon Go during flight

The story quickly spread beyond California’s borders after the court report was posted on Jan.7, 2022 on the government website. These latter “Were found guilty of multiple misconduct, based in part on the recording of the video system integrated into their vehicle (DICVS), voluntarily declining their duty to come to assistance at the request of an officer, to a flight in progress in order to to play a Pokémon game on mobile while on duty, ” thus details the government site.

On Twitter, Jake White was the first to report this story and highlight several pretty uplifting passages from this exchange in court. Some moments even seem too ridiculous to be believable.

Also according to these documents, one can apparently hear on the radio the two officers playing the famous game of Niantic. “The officer alerted his partner that ‘Snorlax’ ‘had just appeared’. For approximately 20 minutes, the DICVS recorded the two defendants chatting about Pokémon as they walked to different locations where the virtual creature had apparently appeared on their screen. On the way to reach the place of this Snorlax, the officer alerts his partner to tell him that ‘a Togetic had appeared’. ”

We can also hear the two officers discussing the fact that they “galley”Trying to catch this Togetic. One of them repeats several times “don’t run away, don’t run away,”While his partner describes how he got it “Buried and ‘hyper-balled’” before announcing, “I got it“.

For his part, his colleague seems to be in more difficulty and growls “Damn, man, this stuff is driving me crazy.“After finally catching this iconic Pokémon of the Second Generation, they don’t hesitate to boast and imagine how good their colleagues would be”jealous”Of their take.

In defense, the two defendants explain that they were not in fact playing Pokémon while on duty but that they were in fact patrolling while taking “Pictures”Of Pokémon for their friends in their party. Asked about the fact that we hear one of them saying that the Togetic is “defended“, The agent would have replied,“when taking pictures, the creature occasionally fights.

In the official documents, the two ex-officers admit that they abandoned their local patrol to go in search of this Snorlax. Despite their general defense, the Los Angeles Police Department ended up terminating the two officers’ contract for playing a game while on duty and, moreover, during a robbery. You can find the full report here.

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