Pokémon Sleep: all about the application that wants to make your sleep fun

Mallory Delicourt

July 19, 2023 at 1:30 p.m.


pokemon sleep art © The Pokémon Company

© The Pokémon Company

Launched in 2020, the Pokémon Smile application aims to make brushing teeth more fun for children. The idea has been emulated since The Pokémon Compagny has just launched a new application everywhere, intended to monitor our sleep.

Capturing pokemon while sleeping is possible.

Ptitdodo, bondodo or grododo?

Pokémon Sleep was first announced in May 2019, but it took three years for it to come out for good in our country. In the era of connected objects, The Pokémon Company thought there was something to do. As its name suggests, Pokémon Sleep is an application developed by Select Button whose objective is to measure the sleep of the user while allowing him to flush out Pokémon and study them.

Accompanied by a snorlax that must be taken care of, the player will achieve a certain score depending on the quality of his night, a score multiplied by the increasing power of the snorlax to attract pokemon. The latter have “dodo styles” corresponding to a certain level of rarity, and which are sought after to complete Professor Neroli’s Dododex.

During the day, remember to thank the pokemon for their participation by offering them Poké Biscuits, which also increase the level of friendship. Available in Europe since July 19, the application is having a small effect, but it cannot replace a medical diagnosis and its level of precision is unknown.

Either way, the idea is to make sleep more fun for people who enjoy seeing how their nights go. If the nights are good, many Pokémon will appear to sleep by our side and snore will be louder And to answer the question that burns the lips of Pokémon regulars: yes, chromatic Pokémon are in the game.

PokémonSleepCapture © Clubic

© Screenshot Clubic

An application first thought for fans

Pokémon Sleep seems above all to be intended for people who particularly appreciate the license, because it does not bring much new. We start by recovering a starter, then by setting the bedtime. At this time, the application informs us that the session must last at least 90 minutes to be validated and that we can record two sessions per day.

The application also indicates that you must leave your device plugged in, screen against the mattress. You should not lock the screen either, Pokémon Sleep taking care of darkening it considerably. Finally, the developers specify that it is preferable not to slide the device under the pillow in order to avoid any form of overheating. For the rest, we find classic and readable statistics, but which in no way revolutionize habits. The first feedback is therefore rather positive, without being dithyrambic.

For people who would like not to have to use their device, it will be necessary to turn to the Pokémon Go Plus+, an accessory which will arrive on July 21 for around 60 euros, to be differentiated from the Pokémon Go Plus bracelet. It can measure sleep instead of the app, or pair with Pokémon Go to automatically throw Pokéballs and spin PokéStops. Finally, it should be noted that the Pokémon Go Plus+ allows you to unlock a special Pikachu in Polemon Sleep.


Pokemon Go

  • Augmented reality
  • Encourages going out
  • Regular updates

Pokemon Go is an application for Android and iOS directly taken from the Pokémon universe. Its main purpose is to combine augmented reality and pedometer to allow players to capture and fight imaginary characters called Pokémon.

Pokemon Go is an application for Android and iOS directly taken from the Pokémon universe. Its main purpose is to combine augmented reality and pedometer to allow players to capture and fight imaginary characters called Pokémon.

Source : Eurogamer

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