Pokémon Worlds 2022: Discover the announcements of the closing ceremony of the event!

Pokémon Worlds 2022 is now over, but the closing ceremony left us with some juicy announcements about the TCG and upcoming Pokémon Scarlet and Purple games.

The ninth generation arrives in the Pokmon TCG

The first announcement to which we were entitled during this ceremony was the arrival of the new cards which will arrive in 2023. Next year, therefore, we will have new ex cards as well as the start of Scarlet and Purple block. The latter can be of any stage of evolution, namely basic, stage 1 or stage 2. They will have the particularity ofhave HP that can compete with VMax cards but also another trick up their sleeve which is the low cost of their attacks. In addition to that, it has been specified that there will be Trainer cards as well as energies that can be used to make comebacks during the games.

New information about battles in Pokémon Scarlet and Purple

We had the right to a trailer of the next games of the license. In it, we were able to discover new objects, new attacks and a new Pokemon. Also, since it aired during Worlds, it was focused on online combat, so we got more information about it.

The Pokémon Worlds are now over, but the grand finale offered us new information on the next titles of the license, namely Pokémon Scarlet and Purple. Online combat, new objects, new attacks and a new creature are on the program.

Worlds 2023: Yokohama

The last announcement we got at this ceremony is where the 2023 World Championships will take place. If you’re a fan of the Red, Green, Yellow, Blue versions or just from the Kanto, the city of Vermilion City or rather Carmin sur Mer surely tells you something. This is where the Worlds 2023, or at least, the city which is represented by Carmine on the Sea, to know Yokohama.

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