POLL – 52% of French people in favor of dissolving the National Assembly in the event of defeat of the majority in the European elections

Renew the National Assembly in the event of defeat of the majority in the European elections? This is what the majority of French people want, according to our CSA survey for Europe 1, CNews and The Sunday Journal. Less than a week before a vote which seems to have been won by the National Rally according to the various opinion surveys, 52% of French people think that Emmanuel Macron must dissolve the National Assembly in the event of defeat of the presidential majority list . 47% are against and 1% do not comment.

In detail, with the exception of those aged 65 and over, all age groups of respondents want to see the National Assembly dissolved by a majority. 58% of 18-24 year olds are for it, 57% of 25-34 year olds, or even 51% of 35-49 year olds. Among seniors, those aged 50-64 are 56% in favor of this idea while those aged 65 and over are 55% opposed. Also note a disparity between the CSP+, who are in favor at 46%, while the CSP- are at 59%.

Divisions within sensibilities

In the light of political opinions, we also find heterogeneous results, even within sensitivities. Thus, if all left-wing sympathizers are 51% in favor of a dissolution of the National Assembly which would sanction a failure in the European elections for the majority, things are more nuanced once we zoom in. Supporters of France Insoumise are 75% in favor, while voters of the PS and EELV are respectively only 35% and 37% in agreement.

In the same way, on the opposite side of the political spectrum, 75% of right-wing supporters want Emmanuel Macron to reshuffle the cards in the National Assembly in the event of the defeat of the list led by Valérie Hayer. A figure which falls to 53% for the Republicans, and which rises to 87% for National Rally voters.

Unsurprisingly, only 17% of Renaissance voters want to see things change in the event of their camp’s defeat in the European elections.

*Self-administered online panel questionnaire carried out on June 4 and 5 on a nationally representative sample of 1,011 people aged 18 and over. Quota method based on the criteria of sex, age and profession of the respondent after stratification by region and category of agglomeration. To ensure the representativeness of the results, the data were adjusted for the variables of sex, age, profession, region and urban category.

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