Pregnant white discharge: how to explain them and should you worry about them? : Current Woman Le MAG

Here are some tips for distinguishing White discharge abnormal fluid loss.

What is called white discharge?

White discharge, also called leucorrhoeaare composed of cervical mucus from the cervix, and vaginal secretions. Outside pregnancy, they appear from adolescence to regulate the pH of the vagina and the vaginal flora, but also to lubricate this area. They are transparent or white, and slightly viscous, without any particular smell.

During the menstrual cycle, the aspect and the abundance of the losses change, in order to favor a possible conception. Having white discharge is therefore totally normal, and even healthy.

Why do we have white discharge during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, it is normal to continue to secrete white discharge, often more abundant than usual. This is due to the combined effect of hormones, placenta, but also increased blood circulation in the uterine area, which congests the wall of the vagina.

Estrogen and progesterone lead to the permanent renewal of cells in the lining of the vagina. The cells which desquamate are evacuated by leucorrhoea. This phenomenon also makes it possible to form the mucous plugmucus that accumulates around the cervix in order to close it.

What to do if you have white discharge while pregnant?

You don’t need to do anything specific if you have white discharge during pregnancy. And above all do not make a personal hygiene repeated and aggressive, which could disrupt the vaginal flora. Do not put soap and water in your vagina, even an intimate shower gel! Advice that also applies outside of pregnancy.

Douching is therefore to be avoided, the vagina cleaning itself precisely thanks to these white losses. However, you can gently wash and soap your vulva with a neutral soap, without excess so as not to risk drying out your mucous membranes. The ideal is not to use a glove or shower flower, carriers of germs, but directly your hand, previously washed. Remember to always wash from front to back, to avoid the spread of anal bacteria to the vagina.

To feel comfortable despite the white discharge, you can also wear cotton underwear and pants that aren’t too tight. You might think that wearing panty liners brings comfort, but on the contrary they are drying and can damage the vaginal flora. If you have a lot of liquid white discharge and it bothers you, choose washable absorbent underwear instead, such as period panties for light flow.

What can you do to preserve your vaginal flora during pregnancy?

In addition to the advice mentioned above, a healthy lifestyle will allow you to limit the risk of vaginal infections: a balanced diet, particularly rich in probiotic foods such as plain yoghurt, not smoking or being exposed to tobacco smoke, wiping properly on the toilet and with clean hands, not taking baths with perfumed products, using condoms during sexual intercourse if the partner has a sexually transmitted infection.

When should pregnant white discharge be a concern?

If it is normal to have leucorrhoea during pregnancy, certain signs should however alert you:

  • if the secretions become foul-smelling, yellow, foamy or thicker, you are itchy: this may be a sign of a vaginal infection or a mycosisit is then recommended to consult your doctor, gynecologist or midwife in order to have you examined, and prescribe a treatment if necessary;
  • if the discharge is pink or even red: this is a sign that you are losing blood, this is not necessarily worrying but it is better to obtain medical advice. At the end of pregnancy, this can also be a sign that the bag of waters is cracked;
  • if the losses are liquid and of a green color: it is most certainly about amniotic liquid, in which there is meconium, the first stool produced by the fetus. If this is the case, this means that your child is suffering, and you must consult as soon as possible;
  • if you lose a lot of liquid, to fill sanitary napkins: it could be a fissure in the pocket of waters. If you are not yet in your last month of pregnancy consult without delay. If you are in the last four weeks you normally have a few hours ahead of you to go to the maternity ward, but don’t hesitate to contact them to ask for their advice.


Geneva University Hospitals, Vidal, Public Health Information Service, Private hospital Toulon – Hyères Saint-Jean

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