Presidential 2022: Christiane Taubira confirms her desire to get involved

In Ariège on Thursday, the former Minister of Justice expressed his determination to declare himself a candidate. She must clarify her intentions in mid-January.

Special envoy to Saverdun (Ariège)

In front of Olivier Portefaix’s farm, in the town of Saverdun, in Ariège, against a backdrop of Limousin cows and not far from a splendid view of the Pyrenees, Christiane Taubira claimed Thursday morning her desire to embark on the presidential, almost stamping. “I am thinking very, very, very seriously about being able to act on improving the lives of the French“, She launched in a statement to the press, which came in large numbers.

“The gathering is not a fantasy”

His determination to get involved has been clear since last September»Indicates his entourage. The determining factors would have been “the candidacy of Eric Zemmour and the themes of the primary of the right“, Associates”to a demand from the left but a dispersed supply which is struggling to unite“. “The gathering is not a fantasy, a totem or even a mantra but just a condition of victory», Repeated Thursday morning the potential candidate. Christiane Taubira should speak in mid-January on the conditions of her candidacy in a “address to the French», Still indicate his relatives.

Will she take advantage of the potential momentum of the popular primary movement? For the moment, the conditions of his candidacy, whether or not to replace one or more others, or in addition, are still obscure. “This primary is the instrument most able to bring about the conditions of the gathering.», Indicates one of his advisers present Thursday with her. However, it is difficult to know what his attitude would be if it were not to arrive at the top of the primary. Taubira multiplies the movements, seeking to impose itself on the ground. It will be Friday in Poissy (Yvelines) on the theme of education and Sunday in Bondy (Seine-Saint-Denis) to support a unified left team as part of a municipal by-election.

In Pamiers in the afternoon, not far from there, Kamel Chibli had decided to come and welcome him for a visit to the agricultural school. Vice-president of the socialist president of the Occitanie region Carole Delga, he is also in charge of high schools and it is in this capacity that he came there. But it is also “a friendFrom the former minister. They made the campaign of Ségolène Royal together in 2007, then that of François Hollande. “Anne Hidalgo and Christiane Taubira must talk to each other, indicates the socialist. They must meet again, study together the pitfalls and the possibilities to arrive at a common application in the coming weeks.“. He assures him: “Christiane Taubira will not take the risk of adding division. Both are responsible people, unlike Yannick Jadot“.

SEE ALSO – “Piss off” the unvaccinated: Christiane Taubira denounces the “systematic division” of society

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