Presidential 2022 Pécresse wants to invest in justice, “weak link” of security

Valérie Pécresse promised 16,000 recruitments in the justice system, “weak link in security” in France, this Tuesday during a campaign trip to Tours.

After meeting with magistrates from the Tours judicial court, presidential candidate LR reiterated her intention to increase the means of the courts by 50%, to bring them to 9 billion euros over five years.

This “Orsec justice plan” will aim in particular to recruit 3,000 judges, 2,000 prosecutors, 5,000 assistant lawyers, 3,000 clerks and 3,000 technical staff, according to her.

No in-depth reform

“What I saw today in Tours is a justice in immense pain which has the impression that there are a lot of announcement effects, a lot of chin blows, a lot of operations blows of fists but that nothing is done in depth,” she declared at a press conference.

“I would draw a straight furrow. It will be a five-year furrow, of putting in order and flattening the entire functioning of our justice, ”she continued.

Develop fixed fines

To save “drowned justice”, the candidate wants to develop fixed fines in order to “divert a certain number of mass litigation”. “I am thinking, for example, of the issue of the license with points when there are no bodily accidents,” she said.

In a “presidency of zero impunity”, she also wants to halve the timeframe for justice, the establishment of a “commission for rewriting the Penal Code”, as well as a specific jurisdiction for domestic violence.

Financial contribution of inmates to their incarceration

On the penitentiary aspect, the president of the Ile-de-France region first castigated the results of Emmanuel Macron, who leaves “a judicial system in a disastrous state”, with only 2,000 prison places built out of the 15 000 promises.

She then reiterated her desire to demand a “financial contribution from detainees to their incarceration, as is done in Switzerland and Denmark” and her intention to create “temporary detention centers” with electronic bracelets in disused buildings.

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