Presidential 2022: there are “a few Nazis” in the entourage of Eric Zemmour, accuses Marine Le Pen

The charge is violent, the words are extreme. In an interview given to Le Figaro on Thursday, Marine Le Pen attacked the entourage of her presidential competitor Eric Zemmour, going so far as to believe that there were “a few Nazis” in it.

Asked about the differences between her vision of things and those of the former polemicist, who confronts her on the same political space to convince voters, she did not mince her words. She felt that “zemmourism” was nothing but “communitarianism”, before continuing.

“I’m not in that mindset. My objective is not to defend the village of Asterix, but to return their country to the French. I find in Éric Zemmour a whole series of chapels which, in the history of the National Front, came and then left filled with sulphurous characters. There are traditional Catholics, pagans, and some Nazis,” she said.

“They consider that the conflict of civilization is actually a religious conflict”

The RN candidate, who therefore decided to beef up her communication, then continued: “Éric Zemmour fails to formulate a proposal that is not a division. In this, he is very similar to Emmanuel Macron.

Finally, concerning the rallies recorded by her opponent from former members of the National Rally, Marine Le Pen estimated that Gilbert Collard or Jérôme Rivière are simply closer to the ideology of Eric Zemmour than to his own. . “They consider that the conflict of civilization is actually a religious conflict. They disagree with me when I refuse to go on a crusade or when I differentiate between Islam and Islamism,” she said. She said she also expects to receive “within a few months” messages of apology from them, telling her that they have been deceived.

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