Presidential: discussions between the Jadot and Taubira teams

A meeting between the campaign team of Christiane Taubira and that of the ecologist Yannick Jadot was held Sunday in Romainville, but no discussion on the possible rallying of one to the other took place, indicated to AFP the president of the PRG Guillaume Lacroix, close to Christiane Taubira. The information was revealed by Politico and Le Monde, the latter referring to secret negotiations for an attempted merger between the two candidates, which Guillaume Lacroix denies.

No negotiations on anything

“There was indeed a meeting on Sunday, from 8 p.m. to 10:30 p.m., in Romainville (Seine-Saint-Denis), on the initiative of the mayor of Romainville François Dechy, but there were no negotiations on anything. whatever,” explained Guillaume Lacroix. “There was a discussion to find out if the union of the left was possible and how. At this stage we have not found”, he added. “We have not negotiated anything, and there is no date to see each other again”, continued Guillaume Lacroix, who recalls that the teams had not spoken to each other since the Popular Primary, which gave a large victory to Christiane Taubira.

But the latter has not taken off since in the polls, which give her around 5% of voting intentions, like the four other left-wing candidates, none of whom almost ever exceed the 10% mark. “There were no concrete proposals for rallying”, insists Guillaume Lacroix, while The world evokes discussions around the possibility of a withdrawal of Christiane Taubira behind Yannick Jadot who, in the event of victory, would entrust him with the presidency of a constituent assembly.

Christiane Taubira received a mandate from 400,000 people

Guillaume Lacroix notes that “the Greens express what they would like”, and “we see that we are far from the fixed postures that they had had for some time”. “That they want Taubira, we hear it,” he laughs. On Radio J, Tuesday morning, he recalled that Christiane Taubira was “the only one to have said from the start that she was not putting her person at stake”.

He also stressed that she had received, with the Popular Primary, “a mandate from 400,000 people to unite the left”. “In fact, fortunately the people on the left who can govern together speak to each other. I speak with Olivier Faure, first secretary of the PS, I speak with Julien Bayou, boss of EELV, and it never stopped”.

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