Presidential: for whom do the eliminated candidates call to vote in the second round?

Presidential Election 2022case

On the evening of the first round of the presidential election, the defeated candidates were divided between clear voting instructions in favor of Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron, on April 24. Others refused to cast their vote or decided to leave voters free to choose.

And now, what do we do? As usual on a first round evening, most of the unqualified candidates gave voting instructions for the second round. Except, of course, those who had announced in advance that they would not engage in this practice. This is particularly the case of Valérie Pécresse and Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who both let it be known on Friday morning that they would not give instructions. While the Insoumis had estimated that “It’s not really a good idea for me to call for votes for people I continually fight against”the Republican candidate had assured that she “will say[t] for who [elle] vote but will not give[t] never give instructions to the French”.

Personal vote for Pécresse, call for the dam for Jadot, Hidalgo and Roussel

However, this Sunday evening, it was just like. “I will vote in conscience Emmanuel Macron to avoid the coming to power of Marine Le Pen and the chaos that would result”threw Valerie Pécresse. Before specifying: “I ask voters who have trusted me to carefully weigh the consequences of any choice different from mine”. An almost voting instruction, therefore, which his (very) right arm, Eric Ciotti, will not follow. On TF1, he assured that he “will not vote Macron”.

Not all have had these preventions. Thus the candidate of the Socialist Party, Anne Hidalgocalled shortly after 8 p.m. this Sunday to vote “against the far right of Marine Le Pen by using the Emmanuel Macron ballot paper”. On his side, Yannick Jadot said take “his responsibilities without hesitation: I call on environmental voters to block the far right by depositing an Emmanuel Macron ballot in the ballot box”. The environmentalist, however, warned: “Our vote is not worth guarantee”, before castigating the outgoing president for his climate inaction and his social fracturing. The communist candidate Fabien Roussel, is in phase, calling for “beat the far right” by voting Macron.

Speaking shortly before 9 p.m., Jean-Luc Melenchon remained faithful to his announced line of conduct: he gave no instructions, considering that the French “are able to know what to do”. But still… He first urged: “Don’t let your anger cause you to make mistakes that are definitely irreparable”. Then : “We know who we will never vote for.” Before getting clearer: “You must not give a voice to Mrs. Le Pen”. And to make sure the message gets through, he then repeated it four times: “We must not give a single voice to Ms. Le Pen.” Philippe Poutoutoo, took up the antiphon: “Not a voice should go to the far right”without however giving any voting instructions for Emmanuel Macron.

Zemmour and Dupont-Aignan for Le Pen

So for Le Pen, who? Eric Zemmourwithout procrastinating. “I call on my voters to vote for Marine Le Pen”said the far-right candidate. “I am not mistaken in opponent”justifies the leader of Reconquest, who wants to defeat Emmanuel Macron, “a man who has not said a word about identity, immigration, security”. On his side, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan made his second-round vote known on Twitter. “I call on the French to do everything to block Macron. This is why I will vote Marine Le Pen”writes the former mayor of Yerres.

Of those who leave their voters alone in the countryside, Nathalie Arthaud did not give voting instructions, but said that candidates in the second round, “both are enemies of the working class”. John Lassalle gave no voting instructions or indication of his own vote in the second round. “It is possible that personally, I vote. But my vote interests only me because I become again this evening a simple citizen “, launched the deputy of the Pyrénées-Atlantiques. He says “trust” at the choice of its voters.

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