Presidential: “Gala” launches a series of interviews on the private lives of candidates

Héloïse Goy, with Alexis Patri

As part of the campaign for the presidential election, the magazine “Gala” is launching a new series of video political interviews. Entitled “The political CV”, it aims to focus on the personality of the candidates. The latter confide in it, in five minutes, about their daily lives and their private lives.


Who are the people behind the presidential candidates? This is what the magazine wants to find out Gala with “Le CV politique”, his new series of interviews. These five-minute videos are intended to get candidates talking about their private lives. Among the questions asked: “What was your first job?”, “What was your parents’ profession?”, “What do you do in your free time?”, “What do you know how to cook?”. The main presidential candidates and some ministers currently in office have been invited to play the game of this interview.

At the origin of this new format, Candice Nedelec, the head of the political section of Gala. “The interest is to make the presidential candidates and the ministers in office better known, to show a little their intimate part, to make them split the armor and to bring them out of the elements of language”, she explains to Europe 1. “We had to convince them. Some accepted, some not yet, they probably wanted to see first what it gave to the little comrades. The bravest started, but we already have almost everyone.”

Jean-Luc Mélenchon inaugurates this new format

In the first video published on the site, it is Jean-Luc Mélenchon who unfolds his professional and personal CV. The candidate confided in particular on his daughter, his granddaughter (to whom he forbids to give him a nickname) and on the driving license which he never passed. We also learn that Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s older sister was a “chipie” and that the candidate cooks butter shells wonderfully. Whether that will help voters choose among the programs remains to be seen.

Two interviews will be posted each week on the site of Gala, until the elections. The full videos are for subscribers only, but some clips will be available on the magazine’s social media channels.

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