Presidential: in Neuilly, Macron’s voters take a dim view of his seduction campaign

Caroline Baudry

Launched in an undecided duel against Marine Le Pen, Emmanuel Macron dropped ballast on his emblematic promise, by “opening the door” on Monday to a postponement of the legal age to 64 rather than 65 to widen his electoral base from his first trip after qualifying for the second round. And it is not to the taste of the right fringe of his electorate. Report in Neuilly-sur-Seine, in the Paris region.


Emmanuel Macron loosen ballast on his emblematic promise, by “opening the door” to a postponement of the legal age to 64 rather than 65 to widen his electoral base. And this is not to the liking of the right fringe of his electorate. Report in Neuilly-sur-Seine, in the Paris region, where the outgoing president came first in the first round with 49% of the votes cast. Ahead of Eric Zemmour at 19% and Valérie Pécresse at 15%.

“I hate setbacks”

Retirement at 64? A “turnaround”, Olivier annoys while smoking a cigarette. This 50-year-old from Neuilly voted Valérie Pécresse in the first round. No question for him to vote Macron in the second. “I hate setbacks,” he annoys on Europe 1. “It’s to have the voices of Mélenchon and I find it scandalous”.

Eric, a 58-year-old teacher, adds. The outgoing president must take his flagship reform to the end. He will vote for him out of spite. “Me, I’m waiting for him to say where he is. A step to the left, a step to the right. I don’t like this ambivalence and I find it very unhealthy. Anyway, if we don’t in the face of pensions, someone will have to pay. So I am not against retirement at 65 or even 67”.

A desire to bring together

Assumed Macronist, Albane, platinum hair and pink sweatshirt, welcomes the candidate’s statement. “I’m not particularly expecting him to take a step to the left because I’m not particularly on that side. But I think so, it’s a desire to bring people together,” she said. microphone from Europe 1. One step to the left, but not two, hopes these inhabitants of Neuilly-sur-Seine, where François Fillon had largely won the first round in 2017.

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