Presidential: Jean Castex urges elected officials to “provide their sponsorship” to candidates


The Prime Minister also indicated that he was going to receive on Thursday morning all the associations of local elected officials, as well as the presidents of the National Assembly and the Senate in order to “discuss this situation together with respect for the freedom everyone”, “because there is a profoundly democratic subject”.

Only 10,000 elected officials have sponsored

The head of government recalled that, out of approximately 42,000 elected officials authorized to grant their sponsorships – in particular mayors, parliamentarians, general and regional councilors -, only 10,000 had given their signature to a candidate.

Jean Castex also indicated “supporting the initiative” of François Bayrou to create a “sponsorship reserve” for candidates deemed legitimate to collect at least 10% of voting intentions but who are struggling to collect 500 initials, in l species Marine Le Pen, Eric Zemmour and Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

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