Presidential: Jean Lassalle accuses Valérie Pécresse of plagiarism

European 1

After having denounced the similarity of the logo of the movement Reconquest! of Eric Zemmour with that of his Résistons movement, Jean Lassalle believes this time that it is the candidate Valérie Pécresse who was a little too inspired by him for his next book.

Jean Lassalle continues to rebel. After having denounced the similarity of the logo of the movement Reconquest! of Eric Zemmour with that of his Résistons movement, the deputy of the Pyrénées-Atlantiques and presidential candidate attacked Valérie Pécresse on Twitter. “Dear Valérie Pécresse, don’t forget to put the copyright”, he wrote, questioning the candidate LR.

The reason for his anger? Valérie Pécresse is preparing to publish, on March 17, a book which would be called “The time has come”. However, Jean Lassalle himself had already published in 2017 a program book entitled… “The time has come”. “Macron has taken over my march, Zemmour my logo, today Pécresse the title of my 2017 project. I fear that one of them will announce the paternity of one of my sons”, quipped the candidate in the presidential election.

“We don’t say anything except insults”

Jean Lassalle does not rule out taking legal action for the title of the book of Valérie Pécresse, as he did for the Reconquête! logo. The candidate also estimated on BFMTV that the electoral campaign was a “shitty” campaign. “Nothing is said, apart from insults, insults of an elusive emptiness”.

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