Presidential: LR deputy Guillaume Peltier announces joining Eric Zemmour

Guest of the Grand Rendez-Vous Sunday on Europe 1 and CNews, the LR deputy of Loir-et-Cher and former number two of the Republicans, Guillaume Peltier, announced to join Eric Zemmour and his “Reconquest” party three months before the election presidential.

“I made my decision with great seriousness and enthusiasm. I took the time to reflect and I understood the stakes […] I was number two in the Republicans, spokesperson for Nicolas Sarkozy, I am a people’s deputy. And I believe that on behalf of the strong right that I founded within the Republicans, on behalf of the 40% of LR members who voted like me for Eric Ciotti a few weeks ago, I made the decision to support the only candidate of the right, the only candidate capable of beating Emmanuel Macron because capable of bringing together all the voters of the right. The only fundamentally courageous and lucid candidate on French society. I decided to support Eric Zemmour so that he is our next President of the Republic “, he said.

For the deputy, his rallying is “the beginning of a rising wave”. “A lot of adherents the Republicans want that to change and consider that the one who is closest to our convictions, the one who carries the most operational strategy and is the most courageous, it is Eric Zemmour”, he said for follow-up.

“I don’t trust Valérie Pécresse”

Guillaume Peltier also explained that he met Valérie Pécresse on December 8, and asked her if the latter was committed not to rally Emmanuel Macron. “To date, I have not had the answer. I have nothing against Valérie Pécresse in human terms. I know her well, but I do not trust”, he said. “Valérie Pécresse is Emmanuel Macron. She voted Emmanuel Macron in 2017, left the Republicans by denouncing a right-wing approach to our political family. She attacked Nadine Morano, my friend, accusing him of being too right “, enumerated the deputy before continuing.

“She announced the same evening of her victory that she would not take Eric Ciotti’s ideas into consideration. And finally, I was sanctioned by my vice-president for having said in a tweet that Eric’s speech Zemmour was courageous, so I have no guarantee of this non-rallying to Macron “, he posed.

The call to LR voters to join Zemmour

Guillaume Peltier finally assured “to withdraw from the Republicans” and responded to criticisms concerning him, which question his reliability. “A weather vane that always shows the same direction, it’s called a compass. Since always, after having supported de Villiers, Sarkozy and Wauquiez, we immediately understand what my political DNA, my backbone is. Strong France. “

He finally launched an appeal “to all Republican voters” to follow him and join Eric Zemmour. “I choose courage rather than career. It is an act of faith that I take, so I invite them to leave a candidate today in second position for a candidate in fourth position, because I have the conviction that Eric Zemmour will win this election. “

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