Presidential: Macron has his 500 sponsorships, Marine Le Pen still “rows”

The latter validated 1,756 new sponsorships, bringing the total to 2,069, figures which have yet to receive final validation, as sponsorships must come from at least 30 departments.

The Head of State now has 529 sponsorships, above the required 500 mark. In Charente, the president collected 9 sponsorships, 7 in Dordogne, 5 in Gironde, 5 in Pyrénées-Atlantiques, 4 in Lot-et-Garonne and 4 in Charente-Maritime. For now, the Landes department has not yet released its results.

Only 35 for Marine Le Pen

The LR candidate Valérie Pécresse has 324 and the socialist Anne Hidalgo 266. Marine Le Pen has so far only collected 35 sponsorships and her rival Eric Zemmour 58. Already in November, the far-right candidate had declared “ rowing” to bring together this precious sesame. Four other candidates cross the hundred mark: the communist Fabien Roussel (159), the candidate of Lutte Ouvrière Nathalie Arthaud (138), the Insoumis Jean-Luc Mélenchon (100) as well as Jean Lassalle (124). In addition, in his department of Pyrénées-Atlantiques, Jean Lassalle collected 14, more than any other candidate.

The ecologist Yannick Jadot has 80 sponsorships, the boss of Debout la France Nicolas Dupont-Aignan 77 sponsorships and the NPA candidate Philippe Poutou 54.

François Asselineau has 56 sponsorships, and Christiane Taubira, who won the popular primary on Sunday, 8. Nearly 42,000 elected officials, including 34,000 mayors, can grant their sponsorship. Candidates have until March 4 at 6 p.m. to collect signatures.

The Constitutional Council will put the list updated in real time on its website twice a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

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