Presidential: Taubira announces that she will submit to the result of the People’s Primary

The candidate “envisaged” in the presidential election Christiane Taubira announced this Sunday that she would submit to the result of the Popular Primary, a citizens’ initiative planned from January 27 to 30, of which she will accept “the verdict”. “I accept the risk of democracy. I will accept the verdict of the Popular Primary”, “last chance for a possible union of the left”, declared the former minister of François Hollande from a market in Bondy (Seine -St Denis).

After having considered a primary where the candidates engage, the collective of the Popular Primary has changed course in the face of the refusal of several candidates, by providing for a “popular nomination”, a vote of its several hundred thousand registered on the internet . “It is the most beautiful of legitimacy,” said Christiane Taubira, a prestigious figure with some voters, but whose entry into the arena in December has so far not sparked a breakthrough in the polls.

Five candidates left

“I invite the other candidates of the left and environmentalists to do the same”, that is to say accept the “verdict”, she said. “There is nothing to fear from the voters of the Popular Primary, who are enamored of all justice”, she added, insisting: “So we have to accept this risk, for my part I accept it. “.

Socialist candidate Anne Hidalgo on Saturday acknowledged the failure “for the moment” of her proposal for a primary in the absence of the commitment of the other candidates, the rebellious Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the ecologist Yannick Jadot, the cantor of the “Remontada” Arnaud Montebourg and the communist Fabien Roussel.

The left is fragmented into five main candidates, and none of them are able to compete in the polls with the rights and Emmanuel Macron. By her statement this Sunday, Christiane Taubira calls on “citizens who want change to move in order to kick the buttocks of those” who refuse the union, by registering for the vote at the end of January, explained her entourage to AFP.

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