Presidential: “The CFDT will always fight against the far right”

Manon Fossat
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09:19, January 27, 2022

On Europe Matin Thursday, the secretary general of the CFDT, Laurent Berger said a few months before the presidential election that his organization will not play a political role. However, he assured him, the CFDT will always oppose the far right and “take responsibility” in the second round if it is smooth.

Less than three months before the presidential election, the campaign is in full swing and the sponsorship race is on. Invited on Europe Matin on Thursday, the secretary general of the CFDT, Laurent Berger, assured that his organization will not play a political role but that it will oppose whatever happens to the far right.

“The far right are ideologies and ideas that are at odds with universalist values ​​and human rights. So the CFDT is very clear on the subject: it has no candidate and will not take a position, but she will always fight against the far right,” he said. “There is no contempt for his voters but there is contempt for his ideas.”

“We will take our responsibilities”

According to him, values ​​are the bedrock of society. “Issues of social justice, democracy, respect for human rights are fundamental. I am president of the European Trade Union Confederation and I see very well what is happening in Hungary or Poland, where regimes ‘Illiberals’ are in power. The rights of minorities are flouted, there is a restriction of trade union rights…”, he quoted. “That’s also the far right. And in the speeches we hear, it seems more than clear that this is what could happen – in France.”

Laurent Berger finally insisted on the role of the CFDT for this presidential election. “She has no candidate I want to say, no one can speak on behalf of the CFDT except its activists. But if there is unfortunately a second round where the far right is smooth, we will take our responsibilities.”

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