Presidential: the economy considered too absent from the debates

Purchasing power, pensions, reindustrialisation… the experts are asking candidates to position themselves.

Economists are irritated. The presidential election takes place in less than three months and the economy, precisely, is absent from the debate. “We must put it back at the heart of discussions for the moment centered on health, security and immigration issues; otherwise, we will have a problem at the exit”insists Jean-Hervé Lorenzi, president of the Economic Meetings of Aix-en-Provence – whose next edition, “Succeeding the transformations of the world”, will be held from July 8 to 10. “We are surprised by the absence of issues, such as environmental transition, in the campaign”insists Patrice Geoffron, professor at Paris Dauphine.

Thursday, January 13, the Circle of economists therefore brought together several of its members to insist on the seven subjects which, according to them, cannot escape the debate: young people, purchasing power, pensions, the role of State and public finances, reindustrialisation, environment and Europe. The goal is not to “to give…

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