Presidential: the union of the left definitively buried?

Alexis Delafontaine, edited by Solène Delinger
, modified to

9:33 a.m., January 14, 2022

On Thursday, all the candidates on the left met at the teachers’ demonstrations. But no dialogue between them took place, while they all condemned the management of the health crisis. This weekend, they will each go their own way, launching their trajectory towards the Elysée. A way to bury the hope of a union of the left?


Unity of the left has never seemed so unlikely. On Thursday, all the left-wing candidates met during the teachers’ demonstrations but no dialogue between them took place. And, this weekend, they will all launch, each on their own, their trajectory towards the Elysée, without crossing that of the others.

Mélenchon and Jadot want to stand out

Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the leader of rebellious France, has a strategy: “to stand out from the others, as quickly as possible”, according to one of his advisers. For this, he has planned 2 sequences in Nantes: the printing museum and the visit of the only French offshore wind turbines, to launch his Sunday meeting which wants to redefine “the borders of humanism and digital technology”.

Yannick Jadot wants to succeed in reducing the gap with the leader of the left in the polls and to move away as much as possible from the primary, by asserting himself as the leader of the ecologists.

Hidalgo holds his boat

“The popular primary is over,” proclaimed Anne Hidalgo on Thursday, before starting two days in the Lyon suburbs. She will hold her boat until the end therefore, and this, despite the defections of relatives like Benoit Payan, the PS mayor of Marseille.

Christiane Taubira, the only participant in the Popular Primary, will try on Saturday in Lyon to unite the left behind her, starting with Arnaud Montebourg, stopped in his campaign for lack of sponsorship.

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