Preview: “Sarah Kohr: Ghosts of the Past” on ZDF

“Sarah Kohr: Ghosts of the Past” on ZDF

“Sarah Kohr: Ghosts of the Past”: Anton Mehringer (Herbert Knaup) and Sarah Kohr (Lisa Maria Potthoff) try to catch a suspect.

© ZDF/Christine Schroeder

Investigator Sarah Kohr (ZDF) has to save a kidnapped child. Singer Pietro Lombardi and comedian Chris Tall compete against each other in “Schlag den Star” (ProSieben). In “Solo für Weiss: Todesengel” (ZDF), a professor is found dead in his bathtub.

8:15 p.m., ZDF, Sarah Kohr: Ghosts of the Past, Thriller

After 19 years, the former neighborhood boss Lorenz Degen (Anatole Taubman), who was sentenced to life imprisonment, manages to escape from prison. Suddenly Sarah Kohr (Lisa Maria Potthoff) and Anton Mehringer (Herbert Knaup) are involved in his plans. Because of an old secret that could ruin their careers, they cannot count on official support. The situation escalates when Anton’s 12-year-old son Hendrik (Cooper Dillon) is kidnapped and Degen demands Sarah’s former love Axel (Alexander Wüst) in return.

8:15 p.m., ProSieben, Beat the Star, game show

Their performances draw thousands to the stadiums. Their voices touch the hearts of fans. Their names alone trigger excitement. But who will win “Beat the Star” in the end? Singer Pietro Lombardi and comedian Chris Tall compete against each other in up to 15 exciting rounds. The winner receives 100,000 euros. Elton hosts the show and Ron Ringguth provides the commentary.

20:15, ZDFneo, Wilsberg: Belly, legs, butt, crime

In the rape trial, Micki Hobelmeyer (Jörg Schüttauf) is acquitted, which makes Wilsberg (Leonard Lansink) skeptical, as he knows Micki from their student days and does not trust him. The plaintiff Andrea Schröder (Daniela Wutte) is appalled at how the psychological expert Dorith Magunsky (Rebecca Immanuel) questioned her credibility. Shortly after the trial, Dorith Magunsky is threatened by unknown perpetrators.

8:15 p.m., kabel eins, The Name of the Rose, monastery crime thriller

The educated Franciscan William of Baskerville (Sean Connery) and his novice Adson (Christian Slater) visit a Benedictine monastery in northern Italy. While a religious conflict is brewing within the Catholic Church, several monks are murdered in the monastery. William begins the investigation and is not deterred by an assassination attempt. The clues lead him to a mysterious library.

10:15 p.m., ZDF, Solo for Weiss: Death Angel, crime thriller

The investigator Nora Weiss (Anna Maria Mühe) and her new partner Ben Salawi (Camill Jammal) are investigating the murder of Lübeck psychology professor Peter Marquart (Hans-Jörg Frey), who was drowned in his bathtub. The first clue leads them to 16-year-old student Jessica Steiner (Lieselotte Voß), who publishes revealing pictures and videos on a paid website. Shortly afterwards, a daycare center director is also murdered.


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