Preview: “You’ll never figure that out!” in the first

“You’ll never figure that out!” in the first

“You’ll never figure that out!”: Moderator Johannes B. Kerner asks questions about special people and incredible facts.

© ZDF/Sascha Baumann

In “You’ll never figure that out!” (ZDF) Celebrities face the weird questions from Johannes B. Kerner. For the “Bachelorette” (RTL) there is a romantic dinner in Phuket. In “Night Without Morning” (Das Erste), an old murder case leaves the terminally ill public prosecutor Dänert no peace.

8:15 p.m., ZDF, You’ll never get it!, Quiz show

“You’ll never figure that out!” is the show of unusual questions and crazy riddles. The surprising and entertaining quiz about special people and incredible facts. Two prominent guessing teams play against each other in ten rounds for victory and for a good cause. Creativity is required for the curious questions. This time there: Sasha, Anneke Kim Sarnau, Michael Mittermeier, Lissy Ishag, Jochen Breyer and Bülent Ceylan.

8:15 p.m., RTL, The Bachelorette, Dome Soap

Nothing ventured nothing gained! The date marathon begins! Jenny invites you to get to know each other for the first time and puts the men to the test: At a traditional Thai night market, an animal test of courage awaits the rose candidates and one of the men is already aiming high this week. At a romantic dinner over the roofs of Phuket, the stars are in a good position for the first, small approaches.

8:15 p.m., The First, Night Without Morning, crime drama

Jasper Dänert (Götz George) has been married to Katharina (Barbara Sukowa), a divorce lawyer, for 18 years, but the partners have remained strangers despite their long life together. Jasper’s approaching death is now crumbling the walls that have built between Katharina and him over the years. However, Katharina does not know anything about the young police officer Larissa Brandow (Fritzi Haberlandt), with whom he meets regularly. Larissa is assigned to help Jasper solve a long-ago crime. As a girl, she had discovered the body of a boy.

8:15 p.m., ProSieben, Blumhouse’s Der Hexenclub, Fantasy

When a teenager Lily (Cailee Spaeny) has to move with her mother Helen (Michelle Monaghan) to her new husband Adam (David Duchovny) and his three sons, she is deeply sad – until she reunites with Frankie (Gideon Adlon), Tabby (Lovie Simone) and Lourdes (Zoey Luna), who accept her as a member of their witch club. Her plan: take revenge on everyone who treats her unfairly. Lily soon discovers that she actually has magical powers. However, things quickly get out of hand.

20:15, ZDFneo, Wilsberg: Morderney, thriller

Wilsberg (Leonard Lansink) has been persuaded by Commissioner Anna Springer (Rita Russek) to take a vacation together in Norderney. However, the enthusiasm is limited, especially when he learns that Anna’s goddaughter Merle (Janina Fautz) is traveling with him. The stay in the holiday home begins with someone hanging unconscious with their head in the toilet bowl. But Gregor Schott (Daniel Wiemer), waiter in a Norderney restaurant, is silent about the circumstances and a little later lies dead on the beach. Not only Wilsberg’s curiosity about the mysterious case is aroused.


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