Price hammer on the juice shelf: that’s behind the Granini Zoff with Edeka

Eckes-Granini wants to increase the price of its juices by six percent, as the “Handelsblatt” has calculated. That is probably too much for Edeka, which is why Granini no longer supplies the retailer. Now there is emptiness on the shelves in many branches.

The juice manufacturer justifies its drastic rise in prices with considerable crop failures “,” higher raw material prices “and a shortage of glass and recyclable plastic, as the” Bild “newspaper reports.

Edeka angry because of higher prices

Edeka remains stubborn in the dispute with Granini.

GettyImages / gopixa, CHIP

As a result of the current high inflation, numerous goods have already become more expensive. The fruit of dissatisfied customers is probably the reason for Edeka’s refusal.

“Bild” quotes an Edeka spokesman: It is dangerous if “some industrial groups” try to “ride on the wave of inflation” – even if their higher prices are not due to increased costs. These are harsh accusations against the juice company.

Keep your eyes open the next time you shop at Edeka. Maybe the juice shelves are full again – possibly even with granini.

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