Prince Andrew + King Charles: Did their feud put the York sisters in danger?

Prince Andrew + King Charles
Did their feud endanger the safety of Beatrice and Eugenie?

© Max Mumby/Indigo / Getty Images

The relationship between Prince Andrew and King Charles has long been considered strained – not just since the younger prince’s involvement in the Epstein scandal and the associated abuse allegations against him. There had already been a crisis between the two before – and one particularly serious dispute is said to have been about the safety of the York sisters Beatrice and Eugenie.

The disgraced Prince Andrew, 64, does not have an easy time within the royal family. After the allegations of abuse against the second youngest son of the late Queen Elizabeth, †96, his entire concept of life as a senior royal collapsed. Now, according to the “Daily Mirror”, King Charles, 75, is apparently urging him again to leave his residence, the Royal Lodge at Windsor Castle. The reason is outstanding repairs that the Duke of York has not yet had carried out. Money is once again becoming an explosive topic between the brothers – not for the first time.

Prince Andrew and King Charles argued over security protection

In 2011, the two had already been involved in a dispute over money. However, it was not Andrew’s place of residence that was at stake, but the safety of his daughters. The trigger was a world trip by Princess Eugenie, 34, who, with her thirst for adventure, spent around £100,000 on her protection while exploring India, America, Thailand and South Africa, according to a report published at the time. [etwa 117.500 Euro] of taxpayers’ money. However, she is said to have covered the costs of accommodation and expenses herself.

Nevertheless, the amount of money needed for security caused head-shaking and even anger in the palace. “She moved from country to country, as most young middle-class people do when they take a break. But of course she was accompanied by police bodyguards. That meant that we, the taxpayers, were paying for police officers to accompany her to the hotspots of the world,” recalled royal expert Richard Kay in the Channel 5 documentary “Beatrice and Eugenie: Spoiled Princesses.”

The high expenses are said to have brought Charles, who was still Prince of Wales at the time, into action. The heir to the throne at the time is said to have taken not only Eugenie but also Beatrice to task and made it clear to them that they were not entitled to expensive security measures. After all, it was unlikely that they would ever be accepted into the senior royal guard. An announcement that is said to have made Andrew furious.

Will Beatrice and Eugenie soon be under the protection of the crown again?

Further details about the outcome of the sensitive discussion are not yet known. However, it is now assumed that the York sisters have had to pay for their own security since then. They probably have the means to do so. Both not only have a family fortune, but also work for their money: the older one as vice president for strategic partnerships at the US tech company “Afiniti” and her sister as director of the art gallery “Hauser & Wirth” in London.

Since King Charles and his daughter-in-law Catherine, Princess of Wales, 42, were diagnosed with cancer, they have been providing increased support in the service of the crown. Perhaps not a turning point in the eternal dispute between Charles and Andrew, but possibly an impetus for the monarch to think carefully again about the safety of his nieces.

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