Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan reject King Charles’ Christmas invitation?

Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan
Do they turn down King Charles’ Christmas invitation?

Will Prince Harry and his family face an even more frigid time?

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In view of the developments, it is increasingly considered impossible that Prince Harry will spend Christmas with royal relatives.

Anyone who hoped that the death of Queen Elizabeth II (1926-2022) Prince Harry (38) and Duchess Meghan (41) could reconcile with the British royal family will probably see themselves taught better now. As the “Mirror” reports, Prince Harry fully intends to accept a possible invitation from his father, King Charles III. (73) for the upcoming Christmas festival – should a direction USA spin at all. And Harry and his family will probably not see his brother William (40) and his wife Princess Kate (40) on Christmas Eve either.

The site claims to have learned from an alleged insider that the relationship has now “bottomed out”. In view of Prince Harry’s forthcoming biography entitled “Reserve” (original title: “Spare”), that would not be surprising: according to media reports, the title is said to be an allusion to the nicknames for the prince brothers William and Harry: “The heir and the spare” ( In English: “the heir and the replacement”). These have been more relevant than ever since the death of Queen Elizabeth II. Since then, Prince William has been in first place in the line of succession, Harry ranks fifth after William’s children.

It’s getting turbulent again

“This book could spell the end of any relationship Harry could have with his family and that’s terribly sad,” a source told Mirror. “Everyone is now gearing up for another trying and wild time in dependency with the Sussexes.”

The content of the book is summarized by the publisher on his home page summarized as follows: “In its undisguised, unabashed frankness, ‘Reserve’ is a unique book full of insight, admissions, self-reflection and the hard-won belief that love can conquer grief forever.” “Reserve” is likely to make waves in just under two months (January 10) when the book goes on sale.


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