Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan: They are not planning any legal action against “South Park”

Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan
They don’t plan legal action against “South Park”

Prince Harry and his wife Meghan are apparently not taking action against “South Park”.

© lev radin/

Rumors recently surfaced that Harry and Meghan could sue the South Park series. A spokesman has now denied this.

The animated series “South Park” apparently targeted Prince Harry (38) and Duchess Meghan (41) in a recent episode. In the past few days rumors began to circulatethat the couple should not have been enthusiastic about the involuntary guest appearance and might want to turn on lawyers. When asked if Harry and Meghan would take legal action against the show, a spokesman for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex said the “People” magazine: “This is all nonsense. They are completely unfounded reports.”

Visual and substantive hints

The “South Park” episode titled “Worldwide Privacy Tour”, revolved around a “Prince of Canada” and his wife who settled in a small town in the mountains. The characters’ similarities to Harry and Meghan were hard to miss. The woman’s pink outfit and hat, in particular, were reminiscent of Meghan’s look at the Trooping the Color parade in 2018. In the series, the couple carried signs that read, among other things, “We want our privacy” and “Stop talking to us to watch”.

This is supposed to be an allusion to the Sussexes, who on the one hand sue for their privacy and on the other hand keep looking for the public with interviews, Netflix documentaries and memoirs. Written by Trey Parker and Matt Stone, “South Park” is known for its celebrity taunts. The provocative comedy series about the characters Eric, Kenny, Kyle, Stan and Co. has been running since 1997.


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