Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan: Thieves are up to mischief in the neighborhood

Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan
Thieves are up to mischief in the neighborhood

© imago images/Pacific Press Agency

Prince Harry, 39, and Duchess Meghan, 42, live with their two children Archie, 4, and Lilibet, 2, in Montecito, California. Apparently several burglars are currently causing mischief in the family’s neighborhood. Like that Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office said, there have been break-ins particularly in the areas around Hope Ranch, Montecito, Summerland and Carpinteria. In these cases, the police apparently believe there are several thieves who are after safes.

Burglaries follow a similar pattern

Recently, an increasing number of burglaries that have similarities have been reported to the police. Among other things, comparable, unspecified items were stolen and the attacks occurred at similar times – usually between 6:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. The targets of the suspected multiple burglars are uninhabited buildings whose backs border open areas such as rivers, the sea or golf courses.

One of the last incidents occurred on January 24th in Montecito, and two others in neighboring Carpinteria. One of the properties that was broken into is located according to the British Daily Mail by car is reportedly only about five minutes from Harry and Meghan’s.

The two aren’t the only celebrities who live or own villas in the area. According to US media reports, stars such as Katy Perry, 39, and Orlando Bloom, 47, and Ellen DeGeneres, 66, are said to have discovered the area for themselves. In 2022 there were also reports that Jennifer Aniston, 54, was said to have bought a property from Oprah Winfrey, 69, in Montecito.


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