Prince Harry + Duchess Meghan: Queen referred them to their seats at the service

Prince Harry + Duchess Meghan
Queen Elizabeth is said to have banished her to the second row at the thanksgiving service

Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan

© Aaron Chown / Getty Images

Her appearance initially resembled a furious comeback: When Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan appeared at the thanksgiving service for Queen Elizabeth on the occasion of her platinum anniversary, all eyes were on her. But then the Sussexes were escorted to their seats and publicly demoted as family members. An order said to have been given by the Queen herself.

It wasn’t exactly the “cheap” places where Prince Harry, 37, and Duchess Meghan, 40, were allowed to sit down at the service in honor of Queen Elizabeth, 96, in London’s St Paul’s Cathedral. After all, the couple was in the best of royal company: the Sussexes sat next to Princess Eugenie, 32, her husband Jack Brooksbank, 36, and Lady Sarah Chatto, 58, daughter of Princess Margaret, † 71, and behind Prince Edward’s family, 58. Nevertheless, their placement was like a shining signal: the couple only belongs in the second row – and at a reasonable distance from the heir to the throne Prince Charles, 73, his wife Duchess Camilla, 75, and the Cambridges.

Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan: Does the Queen want to slow down the couple?

For Harry in particular, this should be a new experience. Before the Sussexes withdrew from the front row of the Royals, he was part of the top group around his father, Prince William, 40, and Duchess Catherine, 40. After the spectacular exit of the Queen’s grandson and his wife from the “company”, like the Windsors designating the royal family itself, and explosive interviews, including serious allegations against British relatives, apparently the queen herself has set an example with the public ban. At least that’s what the author Tom Bower claims in his new revealing biography “Revenge: Meghan, Harry and the war between the Windsors”.

Shortly before publication on July 21, 2022, the “Daily Telegraph” reported on an “explosive” story from the book, which is said to have happened shortly before Prince Philips, † 99, funeral in April 2021. The newly widowed monarch reportedly expressed relief that her grandson’s wife would not be attending the funeral, saying, “Thank God Meghan isn’t coming.” An alleged statement that is probably not so much related to her own relationship with the 40-year-old, but much more to her ability to attract attention. “She didn’t want Meghan to distract attention from her husband and the ceremony and knew that would happen if Meghan came,” Bower said.

Sussexes are said to have planned a “grand entrance”.

The Queen’s decision to keep the Sussexes out of the limelight as much as possible at her thanksgiving service would be consistent, the author believes. “I think that was expressed again in the anniversary,” Bower now explains in an interview with “GB News”, and continues: “I mean, what I heard was a really remarkable story, which is that Meghan and Harry Deliberately late to St Paul’s Cathedral so they could have their own grand entrance.”

At the service in St. Paul's Cathedral

Did an exchange of blows with the usher actually take place?

From an allegedly “impeccable” source, he had the information that Harry and Meghan even wanted to change the seating arrangement when they got to their turn. “As they walked down the aisle and got to their seats ninth and tenth, they said, ‘Well, everybody should slide up so we can sit in the aisle.'” But the escort staff seemed adamant: “‘No,’ said the usher ‘ Bower explained. ”No, you shall [auf] nine and ten sit.'”

Prince Harry and the Duchess were escorted to their seats in the middle of the second row of seats for members of the royal family, which was some distance away from the seats for Prince Charles, Duchess Camilla, Prince William and Duchess Catherine.

Prince Harry and the Duchess were escorted to their seats in the middle of the second row of seats for members of the royal family, which was some distance away from the seats for Prince Charles, Duchess Camilla, Prince William and Duchess Catherine.

© Dan Kitwood / Getty Images

According to Bowers’ source, Harry then asked: “Who told you to tell me where I can sit?” He then received the answer: “Your grandmother”. However, judging by the footage of Harry and Meghan’s arrival at the cathedral, there appears to have been no in-depth conversation between the Duke of Sussex and the usher. On the contrary: the couple seems to have quickly found their way past their relatives to their assigned places. Buckingham Palace has so far declined to comment.

Sources used:, Tom Bower: “Revenge: Meghan, Harry and the war between the Windsors” (Release date: 21 July 2022


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