Prince Harry reveals in his book: This is how Kate made Meghan cry before her wedding

Prince Harry reveals in his book
Here’s how Kate made Meghan cry before her wedding

In his memoirs “Spare”, Prince Harry publishes private text messages from Princess Kate (left) and his wife, Duchess Meghan.

© imago/PanoramaC

In “Spare”, Prince Harry uses private text messages to describe how Princess Kate is said to have made Duchess Meghan cry.

Rumors have been circulating for years about an alleged altercation between Duchess Meghan (41) and Princess Kate (41) a few days before the Sussexes’ dream wedding in May 2018. In his memoirs “Spare” ( German title: “Reserve”), Prince Harry (38) now reveals, based on private text messages, what is said to have really happened back then. Accordingly, the dispute between Meghan and Kate sparked the flower girl dress of Kate’s daughter, Princess Charlotte (7). Kate wanted to have this changed, but apparently in her opinion did not get through to the busy Meghan in those eventful days.

Princess Kate: “Charlotte’s dress is too big, too long, too baggy”

As “Page Six” reports from “Spare”., Princess Charlotte had not even tried on her flower girl dress at the time. Rather, it was only made according to dimensions, and for this reason required some touch-ups. A few days before the royal wedding, Kate is said to have sent a text message to her future sister-in-law. She is said to have replied that her tailor would be available for adjustments at Kensington Palace. However, since Meghan was also busy with a paparazzi scandal surrounding her father Thomas Markle (78) at the time – in addition to the exhausting wedding preparations – she only answered a day later.

According to Harry’s account, the argument should have escalated at this point. Instead of going to see Meghan’s tailor as suggested, Kate reportedly sent another text message, saying, “Charlotte’s dress is too big, too long, too baggy. She cried trying it on at home.” Meghan then wrote back: “Right, and I told you that the tailor has been ready since 8am. Here. At the KP. Can you get Charlotte to change like the other mothers do?”.

According to Harry, Princess Kate didn’t give up

Following this exchange of messages, Kate is said to have insisted that all dresses be re-sewn, after which Meghan is said to have asked if Kate was aware of what was going on with her father Thomas Markle, who passed away made British media pay for posed paparazzi pictures. Kate reportedly responded that she was aware. The heated exchange then reportedly ended with Meghan again asking Kate to go to her tailor for adjustments to Charlotte’s flower girl dress, to which Kate is said to have merely texted back dryly, “Fine.”

Harry found Meghan “on the floor sobbing”.

Prince Harry came home at the time and found his future wife “sobbing on the floor” a few days before the wedding. It has often been reported in recent years that Meghan is said to have made Kate cry before the Sussexes’ dream wedding. Duchess Meghan already corrected this version of events in her now legendary interview with talk show host Oprah Winfrey (68) in March 2021. At that time she explained that – as now claimed by her husband Prince Harry – the opposite was the case.

Kate apologized to Meghan

As Harry writes in “Spare”, Kate is said to have brought flowers and a card to Meghan for reconciliation the following day – after the exchange of text messages described above – and apologized. Duchess Meghan had already described this apology in an interview with Oprah Winfrey in 2021.


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