Prince William and Prince Harry: Dramatic words on the scandal surrounding the Diana interview

Prince William + Prince Harry
Drastic words on the scandal surrounding the Diana interview

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The practices during the Diana interview are said to have led to the death of their mother – with these words Prince Harry and Prince William speak out.

The scandal surrounding the legendary BBC interview with Princess Diana († 36) from 1995 is currently shaking the British public. An independent investigation came to the conclusion that the station sneaked Diana’s statements through falsified documents and later – after the first rumors had emerged – aggressively hushed up the scandal. After the BBC’s apology, the sons of Diana, Prince William (38) and Prince Harry (36) also reported in sometimes drastic words.

Prince William and Prince Harry were clear about the Diana interview

Prince William even stepped in front of the cameras in a press conference convened without further ado on Thursday evening and read a prepared statement with a serious expression. It states that the interview made a “significant contribution” to the deterioration of his parents’ relationship. William spoke of “fraudulent behavior” by the station, which led to his mother feeling paranoia and isolation. Those responsible had played with their mother’s fear.

Prince Harry and Prince William: This is really behind their tensions

What makes him most sad, however, is the fact that it was not a matter of the misconduct of a single journalist, but that the entire management level of the public broadcaster actively looked the other way. There was no investigation, although the allegations were known shortly after the broadcast. He demanded that the BBC interview should never be broadcast again.

Is there a connection between the interview and Diana’s accidental death?

His brother Prince Harry, who has lived in the USA since the Megxit, also made a statement that is available to the “Daily Mail”, among others. In it he even made a direct connection between the BBC interview and the later accidental death of his mother. “The ripple effect of a culture of exploitation and unethical practices ultimately cost her her life.” He is particularly shocked by the fact that these practices are still common today. In some cases it has even gotten worse. In principle, nothing has changed since his mother’s death.

Sources used: Daily Mail
