Prince William: He’s going to look at the Diana statue without Harry, but with …

Prince William
He will show his children the Diana statue before the unveiling

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Prince William and his brother Prince Harry will unveil a statue in honor of their late mother Princess Diana on July 1, 2021. Before the official appointment, William would like to share a personal moment with his children and Duchess Catherine.

Prince William (39) is said to want to take a look at the work of art before the Diana statue is unveiled – together with his children Prince George (7), Princess Charlotte (5) and Prince Louis (3). Duchess Catherine (39) will also accompany her family to the memorial and share a moment of silence and remembrance with them, as reported by “Telegraph”. There are several reasons for this.

Prince William: Prince Harry’s visit distracts from the real occasion

One reason for the intimate moment that the 39-year-old apparently wants is the media interest that the reveal brings with it. However, on July 1st – the day Lady Di would have turned 60 – all eyes will be on the brothers William and Prince Harry (36). The statue should move into the background due to the reunion.

For William and Harry it is the first meeting since the funeral of their grandfather Prince Philip († 99) in April. At that time there should have been a violent argument between the two. Away from the cameras, sentences were said that swept an early reconciliation off the table. Princess Diana’s sons will certainly pull themselves together for the unveiling of the monument – nevertheless, a chilled atmosphere is expected.

Duchess Catherine and the children will be absent from the official ceremony

In addition, Duchess Catherine and the children will not have the opportunity to marvel at the statue at the official appointment. Due to the pandemic, the unveiling’s guest list had to be kept to a minimum.

The Duke of Cambridge wants his family – and himself – to have a very private moment. A moment when he remembers his mother. A moment in which he can tell his children about his grandmother, whom they never got to know.

Does the event bring the brothers closer together?

It is not known whether Prince Harry will also have the opportunity to view the sculpture beforehand. The statue currently stands in the garden of Kensington Palace. So far, a wooden box has hidden the view of the sculpture.

A few years ago, that private moment that William and his family would have liked would have been a moment among brothers. Because Princess Diana will forever be the bridge between Harry and William – at the same time, her death left trauma that both had to endure together. They should be each other’s support on their mother’s 60th birthday. Will the Royals get closer again through this special date? Your mother would want it so badly.

This article originally appeared on

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