Princess Lilibet turns three: Meghan and Harry keep her away from the limelight

Meghan and Harry’s daughter Lilibet is growing up unobserved by the public. This is what is known about the little princess.

Prince Harry (39) and Duchess Meghan (42) have another reason to celebrate: daughter Lilibet is turning three. After the birth of son Archie (5) on May 6, 2019, the couple welcomed their second child, Lilibet “Lili” Diana Mountbatten Windsor, today’s Princess Lilibet of Sussex, on June 4, 2021. As “People” reportsthe parents organized a small pre-party at the weekend. The celebration took place in the family home in Montecito. The guests were said to have included close friends and family members as well as some of the birthday girl’s friends.

While her parents remain in the spotlight as high-ranking royals even after their retirement, Lilibet is growing up with her big brother, well looked after and protected from the media hype. Little is known about the now three-year-old…

Meghan and her husband announced that she was pregnant with Lilibet on Valentine’s Day 2021. A few weeks later, in March, the former US actress and the British prince revealed the baby’s gender in an interview with Oprah Winfrey (70). “First having a boy and then a girl – what more could you want?” said Harry.

Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan live with their two children in Montecito, California. In early 2020, they stepped down as high-ranking royals and moved from England to the USA, Meghan’s homeland. Harry clearly enjoys being a father very much. In 2022, he told “Today” presenter Hoda Kotb (59): “I love it. I love every part of it. I’ve always wanted to be a father.” He added: “I always wanted to have my own children, and now I have two little people to be responsible for.”

Lilibet is named after Queen Elizabeth II.

On the birth of Lili, Meghan and Harry published a statement on the website of her foundation Archewell: “On June 4th we were blessed with the arrival of our daughter Lili. She is more than we could have ever imagined and we are so grateful for the love and prayers we have received from around the world. Thank you for the continued kindness and support during this special time for our family.”

The parents also explained their daughter’s name: “Lili is named after her great-grandmother, Her Majesty the Queen, whose family nickname is Lilibet. Her middle name, Diana, was chosen in honour of her beloved late grandmother, the Princess of Wales.” Harry’s mother, Princess Diana (1961-1997), died in a car accident in Paris in 1997.

Meanwhile, the nickname Lilibet caused a number of astonished faces, but it was said that Harry had obtained permission from his grandmother Elizabeth II (1926-2022) to use her nickname for his daughter. In the British press, however, alleged palace insiders spoke out, who did not seem so sure whether the Queen had not been taken by surprise after all.

Lilibet celebrated her first birthday in Windsor

The two royal Lilibets have only met once. Harry and Meghan came to England with their children Archie and Lili for the celebrations for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in early June 2022. Despite the busy days, the monarch is said to have taken the time to greet her great-granddaughter. Little Lili then celebrated her first birthday in Windsor with a picnic in the garden of the Sussexes’ former estate, Frogmore Cottage. Harry’s father, today’s King Charles III (75), is also said to have met his granddaughter in person for the first time in June 2022.

Lilibet only became a princess after the death of the Queen in September 2022 and with the reign of Charles. As the monarch’s grandchild, she is entitled to this title. Her brother Archie has also been a prince since then. In February 2024, Lili became Princess Lilibet of Sussex because her parents adopted Sussex as their surname. The two Sussex children are sixth and seventh in the line of succession to the British throne. However, they are said to have little contact with the royal relatives. After her parents repeatedly made public accusations against the royal family after moving to the USA, the relationship between the Sussexes and King Charles and heir to the throne Prince William (41) is considered strained, according to British media reports.

Lili’s godfather is a Hollywood star

Lili’s baptism is said to have taken place in March 2023 in a small ceremony at the family home in Montecito. One of the godparents is Hollywood mogul Tyler Perry (54), as he revealed in the Netflix documentary “Harry & Meghan”. He had previously helped the couple gain a foothold in the USA and let the royal dropouts live in one of his properties in the meantime.

What Lilibet’s daily life looks like in her Californian homeland is not known. Meghan’s mother Doria Ragland (67) is said to have close contact with her grandchildren. She is probably with Archie and Lilibet when Meghan and Harry are out and about. In May 2024, the Sussexes were on a trip to Nigeria, where they promoted the Invictus Games. While visiting a school in Abuja, the two also talked about their children. While chatting with a group of students, Meghan recounted a recent conversation she had with her daughter. “Our daughter Lili is much, much smaller than you. She will be three years old soon. And a few weeks ago she looked at me and saw her reflection in my eyes. And she said, ‘Mommy, I see myself in you,'” Meghan told the school class.

Her daughter meant that literally. “But I took those words in a completely different way,” Meghan said. “And I thought: Yes, I see myself in you and you see me in you.” During the visit, Meghan also talked about her children’s favorite activities. Lili loves singing and dancing and Archie loves tinkering.

Will Lili make a public appearance at some point? Although she was already seen on a Christmas card as a baby and the Sussexes gave some insights into their family life in their Netflix documentary, Meghan and Harry are keeping their children away from the public eye. Even in new planned Netflix projects of the two According to the Sun, the children should not play a role.


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