Princess Madeleine: Will niece Milana get into the drug business?

Royals nobody knows
Princess Madeleine’s niece Milana launches mushroom platform

Milana Countess of Abensperg and Traun

© Dana Press

According to her own statement, Milana Gräfin von Abensperg und Traun has been interested in psychedelics for years. Princess Madeleine’s niece has now launched a platform for psychedelic mushrooms. A trivialization of drugs?

At the baptisms of Princess Madeleine, 40, children in 2015 and 2018, Milana Countess of Abensperg and Traun, 26, attracted everyone’s attention with her appearance. She is the niece of Madeleine and husband Chris O’Neill, 48, and daughter of his maternal half-sister: Natascha Gräfin von Abensperg und Traun.

Milana grew up in a family belonging to the oldest aristocracy in Austria. Her father is Count Ernst Abensperg and Traun. The young woman led a jet set life from birth, which has since taken her to Mexico. But is Madeleine’s niece going astray now? In early October 2022, she founded the digital platform “Funga”, which is about psychedelic mushrooms – an illegal drug.

Princess Madeleine: Niece Milana led a jet set life – until she came to Mexico

Milana has traveled far. On her Instagram account there are pictures from New York, Palm Beach in Florida, the Caribbean island of Mustique and what feels like every European IT metropolis. The Countess was born and grew up in Vienna. She graduated from school there in 2014 and completed her bachelor’s degree in theology at the University of Durham in 2017 United Kingdom.

Milana Countess of Abensperg and Traun with her grandmother, Chris O'Neill's mother Eva and her mother Natascha Countess of Abensperg and Traun at the 2021 Salzburg Festival.

Milana Countess of Abensperg and Traun with her grandmother, Chris O’Neill’s mother Eva and her mother Natascha Countess of Abensperg and Traun at the 2021 Salzburg Festival.

© Gisela Schober / Getty Images

Milana then began her “Career in New York City with an industry-leading creative agency,” as she writes on “Funga.” She has apparently said goodbye to career life in the Big Apple. A year after the pandemic began, she moved to Mexico City, where Madeleine’s niece still lives. Probably with her boyfriend, designer Alex Gutierrez, with whom she has shared heartfelt photos on Instagram.

Milana has been interested in psychedelics for years

According to Milana, she has always been an “enthusiastic yoga and meditation practitioner”, which sparked her “great interest in holistic health care” – and thus also in psychedelics, i.e. substances with hallucinogenic effects that trigger a psychedelic intoxication in higher doses be able. These include the illegal drugs LSD and hallucinogenic mushrooms.

The Countess considers psychedelics to be medicinal plants

“My curiosity about psychedelics began in my early twenties when I experienced firsthand the life-changing effects this medicine can have,” explains the Countess. For Milana, these are medicinal plants. A serious diminution of addictive drugs? Their platform “Funga” is “dedicated to creating, curating, and communicating valuable content related to psychedelics.”

The goal is to “promote connections within the psychedelic community while providing adherents with pertinent information on the various uses and benefits of these powerful drugs.”

With this, the Countess wants to “contribute to the global movement that recognizes innate healing abilities,” Milana explains further on the website. So she sees herself as part of a global movement that sees a healing effect behind the hallucinogenic substances. Whether Madeleine and Chris like this controversial view remains extremely questionable.

Sources used:,, Dana Press


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