Priska Seiler Graf and Silvia Steiner tied

Peter Grünenfelder (FDP) and Benno Scherrer (GLP) are still clearly behind. This shows a new survey.

The re-election of Silvia Steiner (centre) is uncertain.

Ennio Leanza / Keystone

In the Zurich government council, there could be a change in the elections in a month – and a shift in the weighting on the left-right axis: According to a new survey by the Sotomo research institute on behalf of the Tamedia newspapers, the director of education Silvia Steiner (middle ) and the SP candidate Priska Seiler Graf in the favor of the voters level in seventh place.

In the survey, 36 percent of those surveyed stated that they would vote for these two women, with a sampling error of +/- 1.5 percentage points.

Should Silvia Steiner lose her seat at the expense of the SP and nothing else changes, the conservatives (SVP and FDP) would still get three seats and the left (SP and Greens) would also get three seats. In between would be the non-party ex-SP man Mario Fehr.

Second election poll Zurich government council elections

Which candidates the respondents would vote for, in percent

Silvia Steiner was already considered endangered in advance, partly because her middle party in the canton of Zurich is very small. Parties like the GLP have therefore explicitly targeted them. The two government councilors Jacqueline Fehr (SP) and Carmen Walker Späh (FDP) are only four percentage points above Steiner and Seiler Graf.

Overall, the Sotomo survey confirms the picture of the NZZ survey published in December. With the exception of the lack of focus in the case of Seiler Graf and Steiner, both studies come to the same order, with Mario Fehr at the top. Both in the NZZ survey and in the new study, the challengers Peter Grünenfelder (FDP) and Benno Scherrer (GLP) are clearly behind.

The former SVP and now independent cantonal councilor Hans-Peter Amrein was included in a survey for the first time: He came last with nine percent of the votes.

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