Prison, naked photos and royal titles: the meteoric rise of the concubine of the king of Thailand

Sineenat Wongvajirapakdi celebrates her 37th birthday on January 26, 2022. Honored by her royal lover then stripped of her rank and imprisoned: the one nicknamed ‘Koi’ has known glory as well as misery. Their relationship may be rocky, but King Rama X is reportedly considering making her his second queen.

A few days before the birthday of the royal concubine, the courtiers are agitated in the corridors of the royal palace in Bangkok. The name of Sineenat Wongvajirapakdi is whispered on everyone’s lips. The young woman would be in the process of becoming the queen of the country. At least, an “other” queen. As well as Suthida, the official wife of the king. A first for the country where polygamy is prohibited since 1932. For months, the concubine largely supplants her rival and multiplies official releases. What make Suthida tremble for his title, if not his place at court.

© Backgrid USA / BestimageRama X and his wife Suthida.

Not so long ago, however, the former nurse was languishing in a filthy prison cell. Stripped of her precious status, precisely for having supposedly stolen the show from the queen… Barely released, she is the victim of a serious leak of intimate photos during her reintegration into the palace. Coincidence or revenge? The mystery remains. Although announced as brilliant, the destiny of Sineenat Wongvajirapakdi is still not obvious.

A mysterious past

Since entering the life of Rama X, already famous for his expensive lifestyle and his intriguing eccentricities, Sineenat Wongvajirapakdi has not stopped get the local and international press talking. Born on January 26, 1985 in northern Thailand, the provincial concubine’s childhood and adolescence are relatively hazy. After nursing studies, the young woman would have been, successively, pilot, bodyguard then parachutist. She ended up joining the army and rose through the ranks with remarkable speed. Fact or fiction: lrare information circulating about the young woman come directly from the royal palace.

The reason and place of the first meeting between the king of Thailand, already divorced three times and currently married to a former flight attendant, and the sulfurous Sineenat Wongvajirapakdi remain unknown. Just a few weeks later his fourth marriage, in July 2019, the king offered his new mistress the coveted status of “official concubine”. A major honor since she is the first official royal consort since 1921.

Less than three months after his induction, the fairy tale turns to drama when Sineenat Wongvajirapakdi is brutally stripped of her rank and her military ranks. Sentenced for “disloyal conduct towards the king”, an official press release from the palace specifies that the young woman would have abused her power. Drunk with rage, the king orders her imprisonment and she will remain behind bars for ten months. The case is serious: in a country where the slightest lèse-majesté can lead to a prison sentence, disloyalty is a major crime.

Some ex-wives of King Rama X were forced to flee the country after falling out of favor, but Sineenat Wongvajirapakdi, very few of the kind to let down, take control of the situation. Gradually she reestablished contact with the king and within a few months her royal fury against her concubine evaporated. This time, it’s Suthida’s turn to fear for her crown.

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The taste of glory

Back to the palace, Sineenat Wongvajirapakdi regains his place and his titles alongside Vajiralongkorn. Under his charmed eye, she blossoms and again threatens to eclipse the queen. It was then that pornographic photos, including many selfies no doubt intended for the king, appeared en masse on the web. The humiliation is total for the young woman. Local journalists suspect someone close to Rama X who would dream of seeing his mistress exiled a second time and all eyes then turn to Suthida… The case makes a lot of noise but no culprit will be named.

Gradually, order was restored and Sineenat Wongvajirapakdi continued her ascent as mysterious as it was dazzling. Now rumor has it that she is named second wife of King Vajiralongkorn. She may succeed, but no one is unaware that the king’s favor varies wildly according to his moods. If todayfuture looks bright for the beautiful Sineenat Wongvajirapakdi, what will it be tomorrow?

Read also ⋙ The King of Thailand and his mistress plant Queen Suthida for the holidays!

Photo credits: Backgrid USA / Bestimage

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