Professional cyclist Mathias Frank ends his career at the Tour de Suisse

Just let yourself drift. Mathias Frank (34) can finally do this. After 14 years as a professional, 7 victories and 145,949 kilometers of racing – that corresponds to four and a half times around the world – he gets off the saddle. Although he will still contest the Swiss championship, the tour queen stage in Andermatt is his Dernière on the international stage. «Resigning feels good. I have always loved this sport and will continue to do so in the future. But now the time is ripe for something else. ”

For example for his new pool at home in Nottwil LU. This is not quite ready yet, but it is always enough for a refreshment. “Perhaps it symbolizes a new phase in life,” says Frank. He is especially looking forward to spending more time with his children Laura (7), Noah (5) and Mona (3). “I was away an average of 200 days a year, in training camps and races. That’s over now, ”says Frank.