“Promotion cronyism and sofa”: Gabriel Attal, object of many fantasies

But where will Gabriel Attal stop? Young, modern and fashionable, without confusing the French … At only 32 years old, the government spokesperson has experienced a meteoric rise during the five-year term of Emmanuel Macron. What makes cringe some who have trouble digesting its success and have triggered the fantasy machine, as indicated Point.

As the end of Emmanuel Macron’s term draws near, few members of Macronie have managed to emerge. But with Marlène Schiappa, there is one who is one of the exceptions and who has become essential, at only 32 years old. So much so that he would only be entitled to two days of vacation for Christmas, retained on the front of the Covid and the new wave led by the variant Omicron. This is Gabriel Attal whose Point decided, in its edition of December 30, to paint the picture. Behind the deceptive appearances of ease which have led some bad tongues to dare to speak about it “Cronyism and sofa promotion”, there were actually nearly fifteen years of engagement. If he assumes his ambitious side, the young thirty-something believes not to have stolen his place.

From the age of 17, he joined the PS and voted for the first time in 2007 for Ségolène Royal. After one “Golden childhood on the Left Bank of Paris”, he studied at the Alsatian School, in the sixth arrondissement of the capital. This allows him to meet Marisol Touraine’s daughter. It was at his side that he began by obtaining an internship in Parliament. Aware of the rare pearl on which she has fallen, and satisfied with its liveliness, she has it logically recruited into her cabinet when she was appointed Minister of Health, while François Hollande was president. At 23, he then became the youngest ministerial adviser. “I knew him when I was little”, still remembers Marisol Touraine who put the foot in the stirrup. “When you’re young and have responsibilities, we are seen as ambitious. I wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t, that’s not a bad word. What I want to avoid is the arrogant side. Afterwards, I’m not aiming for anything, I don’t have a plan ”, explains the young government star in the columns of the Point.

> Discover in photos the members of Gabriel Attal’s galaxy

© Eliot Blondet / Pool / BestimageGabriel Attal and Stéphane Séjourné, at the Hôtel de Brienne, headquarters of the Ministry of the Armed Forces, July 13, 2019

He refuses to instrumentalize his couple

“I see us again when we had just been elected deputies. You told me: ‘I will be in the parliamentary committee in charge of the SNU (universal national service, editor’s note), then I will be appointed to the government to take care of it.’ I said to myself: ‘He’s dreaming.’ “, recently recalled Olivier Véran. However, the dream has come true. And Gabriel Attal did not stop there. Since the summer of 2020, he succeeded Sibeth Ndiaye as government spokesperson. A role that logically brought him closer to the president. It also accentuated the sarcasm, even the attacks of some who accuse him of having climbed the ranks thanks to his companion Stéphane Séjourné. This former adviser to the President of the Republic has become head of the centrist MEPs. This criticism seems all the more unfounded that Gabriel Attal never sought to put his couple forward. He is even said to have repeatedly refused to make the cover. Paris Match with his darling.

He would tutor Brigitte Macron

” We have each our course, he specifies at Point which recalls that there is only one photo of the couple, taken during an official ceremony. He does not hide his homosexuality at all, but nevertheless absolutely insists on preserving his privacy. In her article, journalist Nathalie Schuck recalls that the current government spokesperson “Took a long time to integrate the first presidential circle”. It was only his last post that would have allowed him to become a close friend of the Macrons. From now on, he would tutor Brigitte Macron and would even have lunch sometimes with her, with her companion. But where will this crazy ascent end? Difficult to say at the moment, but it has probably not finished talking. Because in the next few months at a minimum, his word should continue to count, without needing the slightest “Sofa promotion”.

Article written in collaboration with 6Medias

Photo credits: Stephane Lemouton / Bestimage

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